Just In
for Another Rainy Day

12/18/2007 c1 BlackBerge
This is the first story of yours that I ever read. I've been thinking about it latly and think that it would be better if you changed the boys name to Hugo(Hermione's real son.) Just a tip.
7/15/2006 c1 dancerrdw
aw this was cute i liked it a lot
4/9/2005 c1 RussellGrl15
Very sweet. Silly boy, puddles are awesome! ;-)
3/24/2005 c1 10IWasBornToTellYouILoveYou
I love the rain trilogy. all 3 are so cute. i love doing things like that in the rain. usually my friends act like josh and stare at me through the window. then i throw mud at the window and they scream like it might touch them. i think you should make another rainy day story.

p.s. where was ron in this story?
2/15/2005 c1 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom
Oh so cute. Loved it - also love the rain and squishing my toes in the mud. It's the most romantic thing ever when you're by yourself. Don't ask.
1/18/2005 c1 8never-again8642
hmm very sweet.. but i think you might want to put something in there about why ron isn't with them, assuming of course that josh IS ron's son.

just a thought.

cute otherwise, though! :)
9/7/2004 c1 monkeys-r-us
Oh, how cute! Good one Abbs.

(cough, cough)

No more R-H!

:+} lol, love ya, and your cutie wootie little ficky wicky!
9/5/2004 c1 6chubby redburn
Following your advice, I read your "rainy" trilogy in order. Wonderful snapshots of a Hermione and Ron learning to relax and enjoy life. They are a rather uptight pair in the books, are they not? You have a ready gift of capturing moments effectively and doing so with very few words. I hope that you will continue to write and hope also that you consider writing works with your own original characters.
8/30/2004 c1 73DragonGrin - former TeenTypist
Aww! So cute! Don't have much more to say than that.
8/29/2004 c1 the Palindrome
Aw! How sweet! I love it! I really like how it ties in your other stories. Keep up the good work. If you want to give me a sneak peek of your H/D story, you're welcome to... lol.

8/28/2004 c1 11MyOwnLittleWorld
Aww, I'm so glad to see you have this up. I noticed I missed one "mum", sorry 'bout that. (o; Lol, hard for me to stray from my American ways. Well, keep giving us more wonderful one-shots!

8/28/2004 c1 39Amelia L. Mendal
Aw, that was cute! I'm sending the link to my friend right now.


P.S. Adorable! Love it! lol

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