Just In
for Me, My Sister and Harry

5/2/2017 c5 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
12/28/2013 c5 Amaly Malfoy
Nuevamente yo, escribiendo te en español. Por favor, trata de continuar tus historias! Y prometo que practicare la escritura en inglés para dejarte comentarios en tu idioma.
10/18/2012 c5 Prosaicdays
*sigh* You just stopped when this story getting interesting. Any plan to continue this? Or maybe you posted this on another site? If that was the case please let me know... :)
10/6/2010 c5 cookyc
now this is a great story to continue with I like it
4/10/2010 c5 blklover
great story can't wait to find out what happen next please update as soon as possible please
11/21/2009 c5 4KcJayne
why ahvnt you updated anything? in like AGES! You should keep writting. Oh and please dont be dead... That would be very very embarrassing
8/15/2009 c5 4Nyx120
please update! i love this story
2/10/2009 c5 sweetteatwo
wow a new chapter!

I am glad that snape and black are

togather and that they are doing good

I hope Harry and draco get togather soon

please up date again soon.
1/15/2009 c5 1MiseryluvsDeath
Coolness update.
1/14/2009 c5 4yaeko
so what will harry do? aand is lucius going to react badly when he finds out draco is dating harry? what's next?
1/13/2009 c5 00000000800000000000


1/13/2009 c4 00000000800000000000
*sigh , when will harry find out?


1/13/2009 c3 00000000800000000000
coolieo, lets see wut is next XD


1/13/2009 c2 00000000800000000000
harry sounds like a jerk lulz


1/13/2009 c5 RRW
This story is really interesting. I got a little lost before, but I get it now.
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