Just In
for You're Not Alone

10/1/2004 c1 jenny
AH! HOW DARE YOU! (i know this resembles my first review for "I Love You Came to Late", but oh well) is andros dead? how could ashley have let him do that? what happened in between? WHAT! WHAT?
9/28/2003 c1 18eXtreme eVolution
Wow... very touching. That's all I've gotta say.
2/9/2001 c1 Lil
OMG! how sad! andros waited 2 long 2 tell ash dat he loved her! I feel sooooooooo sorriee 4 question though...he didn't commit suicide did he?
12/14/2000 c1 Mandy
Wow. That's all I have to say. Just plain wow. I love how you keep the suspense by interjecting lyrics (or lyric type things) into the story. Wonderfully written.
6/8/2000 c1 D
geez another sad one!

what happened?
5/24/2000 c1 Jess
Pretty good, keep going!
5/23/2000 c1 Thunderhawk
Whoa...Jen...*thud* I KNEW I should have read this sooner...
4/23/2000 c1 TVRULES
Did you have to make such a sad ending! I don't want Andros to die!
4/21/2000 c1 Chelsea
Ahhhhh Jen! So sad ^_^ yet.. so good ;) Peachyness job cHiCkAdEe :)
4/21/2000 c1 Piper G
This was a nice follow-up to a great original story (okay, so maybe "nice" isn't the right word, considering what happens... ;) ) Anyway, your work is great! Keep writing!
4/21/2000 c1 who wants to know
Oh my stars. That's all I have to say. Oh my stars. I don't what will kill first, the razor or the suspense. Neither will, hopefully, if you hurry and write the next piece :)
4/21/2000 c1 Krissy
Jeeen, good fic! :) So sad :~( Better hurry up with the next part soon, or.. Something bad will happen! ;)
4/21/2000 c1 I'm not telling
JEEZZZZZ Did you have to be sooo cruel? But then it's your story...
4/21/2000 c1 Katie
OMG Jen...this rocks...

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