Just In
for Complete Chaos

9/20/2009 c4 14Yugilover1
Make more of this story please?
2/2/2009 c4 8SetoEevee7
ZOMGOSH! MUST RIGHT MORE! This story is amzingly funny and I am totally interested what Kyo and the other think of Kaiba! Thanks for making an awesome story!
9/5/2006 c4 30Dogsrule
I think the story's cool. and it would be hilarious is you force Bakura to do something else like going shopping with you or something! ^_^
11/6/2005 c4 4FadedPhantom
cool story, i like it! and yes, you and bakura should be a couple, it would be cute.

gah! this isn't gonna be a kyoru fic? *pouts* but that's my favorite couple! ...oh well, i'll still read it...

oh, and about the yaoi thing... i guess it would be okay... i'm not a really big fan of it though. just don't make it too much, you know? and please don't have setoxjoey... i really don't like that pairing...

well, this story is really good, so even though i don't like yaoi that much, i'll keep reading it.

oh, i have a question. are the yamis inside the hikaris? cuz in the 1st chapter they weren't, but then at school there was just yugi and no yami... so yeah, just wondering... i get confused really easily, so yeah.

well, great job! keep up the good work and please update soon! :-D

(wow, long review... O_o)
9/26/2005 c4 8AssasinQueen
Hi! Great fic! When are you going to update-it? Did you know that Yuki & Yugi are just one letter diffirent in english & one ten ten away in Japanese. Yu: For u turn & Ki: For Ki going into the lock: Yuki. Yu: For u turn & Gi: For geese coming to get the Ki going into the lock! Yes i'm crazy! Umm if it's not to much could you read my Fic Ryou's Cousin? Please? Thanks if you can. n.n

3/31/2005 c4 Painsys
Hello great chapter! I loved it! There NEEDS MORE SERENITY! Um sorry just had to say it cause well it does. Bakura should be in this fanfic to he could havelots of "fun". Well I am going back to neopets cause well I am bored without it. Oh it is called school house rock live. It already happened and it was awsome! I sang just great. Hey don't worry about your singing I wish I had your talent of writting. Update soon with more Serenity please. ^ ^
3/27/2005 c4 PatronSaintOfSwitchbladeFights
i LOVE it! the dohnuts thing was halarious! i also like the whole bakura/peircing thing. i recently got my ears peirced again(they closed up)and it is souch a PAIN having to use the stuff that smells like rubbing alchohal(sp?).
3/27/2005 c4 5Paika
I want Mokuba! u need Mokuba in the story! And Kisa! Kisa is awsome! they don't have to be a couple, but they're both such sweet charaters! Momo! I mean, Momiji! my little rabbit!
3/27/2005 c1 Paika
That was awsome! I'm thinking of wrighting a yu-gi-oh fruba fic also! It's going to be a KisaxMokuba pairing! I think that they'd just look so cute together! P.S. *click, click, click, click* you're on all my lists now!
3/27/2005 c4 1K-chan10307
3/22/2005 c4 4Princess of Thieves
OOH! nice start. update soon!
2/22/2005 c4 2Starinthenight
I think you two are great! Ignore the evil person that dissed you, ok?
2/21/2005 c4 lucy
okay i am telling you to update. and leave out the bitches(sam and bakura). and give me the fricken pairings already.
2/20/2005 c4 1toooldforthissite
*Gets back in her chair still in a daze.* Mr. Winter (My 3rd grade teacher) did I pass the spelling test? *Falls off of chair and faints.*

A few hours later...

NO MORE EGGNONG! O_o *Stands up and looks around.* Where, am I? Who am I? I remember strange words, like:

"Wow! So this is the review room where people come to review, it looks so cool!"


"I think you and Bakura would make a great couple!"


"This was a REALLY good chapter!"


"I wounder what will happen next? Please update soon, I MUST know!"


"Have you even played: 'Final Fantasy' or 'Kingdom Hearts'?"

*Sits back down into her chair.*

Hum... I wounder what those strange words mean...? Wait! I wounder what all these words mean? WHERE AM I? WHO AM I? WHAT DO ALL THESE WORDS MEAN? WHAT DOES 'WORDS' MEAN? WHY CAN'T I HAVE SOME EGGNOG? WHAT IS EGGNOG AND WHERE CAN I GET SOME?

2/20/2005 c4 lucy
update! now!
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