Just In
for Unwilling Heroes

1/20/2010 c13 10Dawn Searcher
I will not start on incongruence with canon, or anything of that sort, for the simple reason that this was very well-executed, and all fanfiction should aspire to this level.

1/10/2008 c13 2teiboi
I really love this story. THis is what i call true love. A very deep story that moves your heart your soul and mind. YOu are truly gifted!
10/28/2007 c13 king of toilet town
The best romantic halo fan fic ever!
9/3/2007 c13 xenoxiao
This is such a great fic! You write really well. Your making a sequel? Interesting. I'm adding your story in my favorites. ^^
8/21/2007 c13 52doctor anthony
very good make a sequal
7/18/2007 c13 Inverness
Truly excellent.
2/19/2007 c13 16Rainyqueen
I must say this is among one of the best romance fics I've read on this site and defenintly the best Halo fic I've found. MAKE A SEQUAL!
2/17/2007 c1 Sospel
I have never in my life read a story (let alone a fanfic) that was so well written that it made me cry. Bravo! A sequal is need to finish this masterpiece! Your talents are definitely not squandered!
11/13/2006 c13 8loaned
TT-TT. That was beautiful man. Truly beautiful. I haven't read stuff this good in a long, long time. Very well done story and awsome plot development make me give this a 10 out of ten! Good job and keep up the awsome work! ^O^
8/1/2006 c1 dingooo
I read this story in one sitting, and i loved it. Very good, and it even had an emotional impact on me.

Only one thing confused me...what happened to the Elite that was supposed to appear when J'Kress said "you may show yourself" you know the one that spied on Halo.

Did Samantha or Halo kill the spy?

It doesn't really matter, i guess.

7/26/2006 c13 2the arbitress
The story that actually made me get all teary-eyed. Awesome just isn't good enough. A love story between an Elite and a human that actually works out, in a fashion. Definitely something to love. Keep writing stories like this.
10/13/2005 c13 1rusher01
wow beautiful storie. i feel embaresed with my storie now. well done. most stories never even bring me close to tears but this one brought me close. agaain beautiful.
9/7/2005 c13 2Kail'odian
It is very rare to see a piece of literature in the Halo section of organized and portrayed like this. This story is very moving and interesting to read. I came close to tears a couple of times. A magnificient story, and one that is definetly going on my favourites list. Well Done.
9/4/2005 c13 2Psychic Werewolf Assassin
This was very moving. Most tragedies do this to me. When one finds peace like they did, they keep it after death. So is the will of mortals.
5/23/2005 c13 3Blue Comit
Thank you. That was a truly marvelous story. well written, origonal plot line, and was very faithful to the Halo story line. this is without a doubt my favorite story. Again, thank you.
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