Just In
for Goodbye

11/28/2005 c1 rukamai
o wow! please update soon! poor ru!
11/17/2004 c1 Psychokyugurl
Fuyoh...keng man, so emotional...and though some scene may sound too cliche and expected ehehehe...nice story. I thought it was an one shot though. You like angst story very much eh...must continue arr! I wanna see SenHana...abit...hehehe. Can't wait for the plot to darkens~

11/16/2004 c1 jam




Arghghh! you just have to CONTINUE this! I was basically hanging to each and very word you wrote here... it evoked so much feelings to me that i... i... well, i dunno! all i know is that you've written something so very *amazing* and that i'm HOOKED. TERRIBLY.

Wishing you all the luck,

jam ^_^
11/16/2004 c1 19blufox
you really have to continue's not much of you need..but HAVE.Please neechan..i love senru so much and it mkes me sad when i see no senru fics here on where it used to dominate.*sighs* anyways, i really do hope you continue..ja ne!

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