Just In
for Where's Hermione?

8/12/2013 c8 Guest
This is good
7/27/2005 c9 angil10
Toomuch fluff! BLAH!
4/17/2005 c9 8hermionegarner
This was a great story! And it wasn't just romance as some stories are, which made it a little more interesting. You had a couple typos, but everyone has their share, of course. If my english teacher had you you would get special priveliges every day! LOL!
4/15/2005 c9 Meow Mix Meow Mix
Yay! That was super-uber-hyper-omega cute!

Well, I -just- got home from vacation in Oregon, I live in Washington, and I'm really tired. Not able to say much right now...G2g2 read more fics...

Luffles and huggles from,


Ps. It's a longer drive than it sounds...Considering that I live in Seattle (or near it, if you want to be specific) and I went pretty far into Oregon.
3/28/2005 c3 Fibby
3/14/2005 c9 2thekecmaster
I liked the story. The timing of this short story was pretty good. The writing seemed pretty well & transitions seemed very good. What I didn't like was the title & chapter 7/8.

I thought this would be a more angsty or mystery story, since "Where's Hermione?" implies that Ron is looking for her.

I also thought that the capture chapter wasn't explained well enough. I understood what happened, but I think more detail was needed there.

Good luck with your next stories!
3/14/2005 c9 5MasochistandNarcissistFan
Nice ending! It was really cute! I love R/Hr! Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

3/13/2005 c9 10suckr4romance
great story! thanks for writing it. can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

oh, and no problem pointing out that error in the last chapter. i'm happy to help!
3/13/2005 c9 dancerrdw
this was so cool i loved this story
3/12/2005 c8 suckr4romance
um, good chapter. a bit short, though. good all the same.

at the end of the chapter, did you mean for Ron to say, instead of "Room for Improvement", "Room of Requirement"? just curious.
3/12/2005 c8 5MasochistandNarcissistFan
Nice job. Luv the chapter! Update soon plz!
3/12/2005 c8 dancerrdw
this was an awesome chapter i hope u update soon
2/20/2005 c7 1Sihn

You've done a great job with this, one of my favorite pairings, and it made me laugh. There were some spelling errors, but it's not as if I can really say anything, seeing as I haven't even posted anything yet. ^_^. In any case, keep up the great work, and update SOON!

2/20/2005 c7 dancerrdw
this was an awesome chapter i hope u update soon i want to know what happens and i am liking the story :)
2/6/2005 c6 rose
i love your fic! it's so well-written...anyway..update soon! very soonn! please!
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