Just In
for The Point of Being Young

9/28/2019 c52 1More of a Jackie
Love the pumpkin pie story
9/8/2019 c55 LAtoNE09
So good! Will you update?
11/24/2018 c55 coloredxshadows
How could you just leave this unfinished?!
I realize it’s been like 12 years but you should come back and finish this...please?!
8/29/2018 c55 Fbg
Great story
I hope you finish it someday soon
8/23/2018 c55 December Jeffries1
I love this story. It needs to be completed.
8/15/2018 c55 kitty j
Dear Esren,
It has been 14 years since you started this story. Don’t you think it’s time to finish it? You now have 1001 reviews so this is in the 1k category. Send out a new chapter and see how many people will happy to read or re-read this delightful tale.
kitty j
8/15/2018 c54 kitty j
Logan is being plagued by wordless interactions. Boy is going to have to get his act together.

Also, this is your 1000th review for this story.
I’m usually a lurker, but I saw how close you were and I’m enjoying this so much.
8/15/2018 c53 kitty j
Lovely floaty (first cousin to bloaty, in that It is a made up word) chapter. Snow and paint and margaritas... and Italian.
8/15/2018 c52 kitty j
Nice. Love the pumpkin pie story.
And the Batman rant.
8/15/2018 c51 kitty j
Very nice handling of the ‘I love’ scene. The mind wandering was experienced as written.
8/14/2018 c50 kitty j
We’re starting to like this Lorelai, but we need more Rogan.
8/14/2018 c49 kitty j
Spontaneous declarations of love can be sooooo problematic. Though riding around in a limo with a big pink elephant sounds rather delightful.
8/13/2018 c48 kitty j
Taylor always was a big jerk. Good to see him on the floor.
Let’s hurry back to Rogan!
8/12/2018 c47 kitty j
Everyone loves a little lovin in the stacks!
8/12/2018 c46 kitty j
I know it’s been years since you started this story but I just have to tell you how much I’m enjoying it.
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