Just In
for The Point of Being Young

5/22/2018 c55 25INSANITY - BRILLIANCE
...And I finally finished! I had to wait a couple days for my headache to go away, but I must say this is one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Sure it’s long and it takes a bit more focus to get through than your average fic, but if you take the time, you won’t regret it. I think the main thing I love about this is all the pop culture references in the dialogue and the narration. You sound just like Dan and Amy if Dan and Amy were novelists. The second thing I love is that Lorelai is much more accepting of Rory and Logan’s relationship than she is one the show. (That probably has something to do with you writing it while the show was still ongoing.) But I really like this Lorelai and Rory. I hope one day you come back to finish it.
I think Lorelai said it best: 'Oh my god, did Paul Thomas Anderson write this? Edit people.' I mean don't get me wrong, I love this fic, but a warning label discouraging people from trying to read the whole thing in 3 days would've been appreciated. (That is my own fault though. I should've paid attention to the word count.) Also, this isn't the kind of fic you should read if you've got a headache, let me tell you. You're prose and dialogue is so elaborate and chalked-full of pop culture references (I love that.) but trying to make sense of everything when it feels like Woody the Woodpecker is drilling a hole inside your skull is a lot like trying to walk through the swamp of sadness. I feel like Artax drowning in a pool of labyrinthine descriptions and dialogue. Help!

I'd say overall, I really enjoyed this fic, despite the puddle of primordial ooze my brain had disintegrated to as a result. The way you write the characters and the dialogue is spot on. I'd almost say it was on par with (if not slightly better than) the show itself. Like if Dan and Amy were novelists instead of TV writers, this is exactly what I imagine Gilmore Girls to look like. You also wrote one of the best scenes with Miss Patty that I've ever read. That having been said, there were times when the pacing in this fic was unbearably slow, like molasses pouring out of a bottle kind of slow. And it was made especially hard with how intricate your prose actually are. There seemed to be a lot of useless filler in this story and some scenes were dragged out longer than they should've been, infinitely slowing down the pacing.
11/28/2017 c55 December Jeffries1
A amazing stort. I can't believe you stopped it here. I need to know if you forgives him soon as he gets to Star's Hollow. You must continue this.
11/27/2017 c42 December Jeffries1
They should've let you wrote for the OS. I don't hardly ever comment until I'm done the whole story but your version of the wedding was spectacular. Wow!
9/29/2017 c55 Kyra
Nooooooo,you can't leave it here! It's outrageous! This story is soooo good!I love the plot and your writing! You have to continue it really soon! Please, I'm begging you I hope you are okey and you write soon!
7/19/2017 c55 heathermarshall
please update soon. please dont leave it like this unfinished
3/23/2017 c55 nightnovice
Please come back, write more, this is all goodness!
10/29/2016 c55 MargaritaS
he seems at a loss for words frequently lately. this was an incredible story :)
8/12/2016 c55 jesslong614
Great story...I know it's been a LONG time but I would love it if you could finish :) pretty pretty please!
7/13/2016 c32 Guest
This is wonderful writing! Great job!
7/12/2016 c30 Guest
Amazeballs! Write more!
7/12/2016 c28 Guest
6/12/2016 c55 Ria82
Please please please - need another chapter. Don't leave me hanging!
5/1/2016 c55 1GGforever01
Any chance for an update? I loved this story and just finished re-reading it, just to be disappointed that is was not finished. Please update!
1/17/2016 c55 8TinkStar87
Yay for Steph! Boo for the fact this hasn't been updated in over TEN YEARS! This is suppose to have 60-64 chapters, according to an Authors' note in a past chapter...where are the other chapters? You can't just end there, not fair. We need the others! We need the reconciliation and the wedding, not to mention the Huntz Clan getting a telling off. PLEASE UPDATE!
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