Just In
for The Point of Being Young

1/17/2016 c52 8TinkStar87
Aww! ! ! So great a chapter! Read ya Later ;)
1/15/2016 c38 TinkStar87
Okay i have to say this...I'm LOVING the humming of Disney tuns. PRICELESS! and kind of prefect. Read ya Later ;)
1/14/2016 c24 TinkStar87
Oh God! I...Can't...STOP...LAUGHING! This is one helluva chapter. I LOVE IT AND THIS STORY! Can't wait to get to the rest. Read ya Later ;)
8/16/2015 c55 Guest
Please write more! Loved it
3/12/2015 c55 JItterbug5
Please write more. This story is amazing I could not stop reading it and then you stopped writing at a crucial point in both relationships. please tell me there is more to this story.
12/16/2014 c55 ImTheNana
This is an awesome story, I laughed, I cried. Now I find there is no finish, and I'm sad. It's been so long, so I'm sure there is little chance of you updating any time soon, but I'm holding out hope. I want to see Logan stand up to Herr Huntzberger, and prove his undying love to Rory. Please take it in to consideration, otherwise I will be very sad.
12/11/2014 c40 Guest
i liked the beginning of the story.. but it really has no plot.. nothing happens and everything moves very, very slow.. no drama just very slow romance
11/25/2014 c55 RedRosie03
This story has been the best fan fiction I've ever read, but I need an ending! Please endulge me!
11/15/2014 c31 nightnovice
Laughed heartily at the care and feeding of Fin comment.
1/19/2013 c54 e13
please update
12/25/2012 c55 Ariauna
love it
10/8/2012 c55 saranghae25
Dedicated 2 whole days for this story. Loved the plot and very well written. I just wished that we could have had the last 5 chapters. I guess we can deduct that everything ends well and they lived happily ever after. P s I learned a lot of new words reading your story thank you.
8/6/2012 c39 1xshynenstarx
Lol hilarious. I laughed so hard that I was crying. Poor Finn as Aragon. Alice Gellar was hilarious as a lord of the rings fanatic.
2/20/2012 c55 Julie Sue
ahhh and this is where it ends! how does the wedding go? does rory forgive him? does lorelai take his side? please update! i mean 55 chapters of pure wonderfulness and then it ends :0( soo sad!
2/20/2012 c54 Julie Sue
oh gosh...i can only imagine!
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