Just In
for I pulled a Lorelai

7/24/2005 c12 3Charmedchic72
well, everyone knows now. good chapter.
7/24/2005 c11 Charmedchic72
i loved this chapter...i love the whole them talking and jeff being was kinda funny.
7/24/2005 c10 Charmedchic72
aww...this chapter was cute. i liked the last sentence alot.
7/24/2005 c9 Charmedchic72
i kind of expected emily to be more upset...i thought the way she found out was kinda funny though...she just knew from her look. great chapter. i really really liked it. richard dead? i kind of assumed so...but just thought i would ask to be sure.
7/24/2005 c8 Charmedchic72
cute chapter.
7/24/2005 c7 Charmedchic72
i think i would prefer that they stay with rory and jess. but i guess them living on their own might be pretty cool too. i agree with you by the way...they aren't blood related, so how exactly is this gross?
7/24/2005 c6 Charmedchic72
i like how rory just took charge there at the end of this chapter.
7/24/2005 c5 Charmedchic72
well...rory and jess are way more understanding than richard and emily ever were. great chapter. i like the way they reacted. it was so them. anywayz, it was great.
7/24/2005 c4 Charmedchic72
did not expect that mary was dean and lindsay's kid. also i didn't expect lora to yell at the end. great chapter though.
7/24/2005 c3 Charmedchic72
can't wait to see what jess and rory's reactions are. this was a cute chapter.
7/24/2005 c2 Charmedchic72
i think that she will freak. but well i guess i could just read the next chapter, huh? anywayz...just a suggestion, but could you try to make it a little clearer who is talking?
7/24/2005 c1 Charmedchic72
cute start
6/19/2005 c18 1Nicole Rigby
Aww! I get so giddy when I see this updated!

Loren! Its perfect! 'sigh'

I'm excited to see the Jess/Logan encounter that I'm sure is up your sleeve. I'm ready to roll on the floor laughing.

Poor Jeff...the freak out is on its way.
6/19/2005 c18 4music4mysoul
This was so sweet, are you gonna put Logan into the story? It would be cool if he and his family would meet the Marianos after all Jess never met him. One tip, you should perhalps divide the parts because it was a bit confusing when the scene from the hospital suddenly swtched to the phone call between Lorelai and Rory. You did it afterwards but I was a bit confused when the scene changed so quickly. But this was a very great chapter, update soon!
6/18/2005 c18 4controversy-queen
good chapter just a little rushed u couldve put the birth a little disappointed in this chapter it was a little anti climactic...but u called her loren cute my name is lauren so yay.
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