1/29/2005 c13 cara
i love this story so much and the last chapter was perfect. but i thing sequel would be even more perfect! great job!
i love this story so much and the last chapter was perfect. but i thing sequel would be even more perfect! great job!
1/29/2005 c13 2loopdeedoo
Draco's so sweet! I loved the letter. And Ara's really cool. I think you should write a sequel, it would be really good!
Draco's so sweet! I loved the letter. And Ara's really cool. I think you should write a sequel, it would be really good!
1/29/2005 c13 Draghknar2003
i thought i was going to die waiting for the end...but the wait was worth it. the worst part was when i had no computer access, but i guess it worked out for the better, cause now i get to read it all at once...good job.
i thought i was going to die waiting for the end...but the wait was worth it. the worst part was when i had no computer access, but i guess it worked out for the better, cause now i get to read it all at once...good job.
1/29/2005 c13 3MandaMoo
I would love it if you wrtoe a sequel, and dont wrry, I will wait! Ara is a great character and i would hate to see the end of her!
I would love it if you wrtoe a sequel, and dont wrry, I will wait! Ara is a great character and i would hate to see the end of her!
1/28/2005 c13 lostinwonderland1226
I just thought I'd tell you that I like what you did with this story and that if the rest of yours are like this, please make me a list and I'll read them all.
I just thought I'd tell you that I like what you did with this story and that if the rest of yours are like this, please make me a list and I'll read them all.
1/28/2005 c13 harryp123
Good chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Good chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter.
1/28/2005 c13 7xoxo yourstruly
Is it OVER? That was so good. Well, I'll continue to read your other stories and wait for the sequel. Thanks for a great story.
Is it OVER? That was so good. Well, I'll continue to read your other stories and wait for the sequel. Thanks for a great story.
1/28/2005 c12 xoxo yourstruly
*dabs tears from eyes* That was so beautiful. Does anyone have a tissue? *random reader holds out a tissue* Thank you. You're an excellent writer. Keep up the good work.
*dabs tears from eyes* That was so beautiful. Does anyone have a tissue? *random reader holds out a tissue* Thank you. You're an excellent writer. Keep up the good work.
1/28/2005 c11 xoxo yourstruly
Boo, Draco! How could he do that to little Ara! SAY IT AIN'T SO! PLEASE, SAY IT AIN'T SO! Okay, I'm better now, Just had to get that out of my system. I'm going to go read the next chappie!
Boo, Draco! How could he do that to little Ara! SAY IT AIN'T SO! PLEASE, SAY IT AIN'T SO! Okay, I'm better now, Just had to get that out of my system. I'm going to go read the next chappie!
1/28/2005 c13 69Gwendolyn James
GAH! You're a bloody GENIUS! That was so great! A perfect ending! *does the happy dance* Please please please do a sequel! But ONLY after the others are done! I must find out the endings to those as well! :D
GAH! You're a bloody GENIUS! That was so great! A perfect ending! *does the happy dance* Please please please do a sequel! But ONLY after the others are done! I must find out the endings to those as well! :D
1/28/2005 c13 14Rianna Potter
Sequel! I demand one! Well, after I'll Always Be Here and All He Ever Needed, which I'm dying slowly and painfully to read more of. Wonderful ending!
Sequel! I demand one! Well, after I'll Always Be Here and All He Ever Needed, which I'm dying slowly and painfully to read more of. Wonderful ending!
1/28/2005 c13 a-nother-mouse
Another excellent chapter, but undoubtably your best chapter in the whole of this story. Well done and please seriously consider a sequel with Ara starting at Hogwarts, or possibly later at Hogwarts say in 5th year. Well done for an excellent story.
Another excellent chapter, but undoubtably your best chapter in the whole of this story. Well done and please seriously consider a sequel with Ara starting at Hogwarts, or possibly later at Hogwarts say in 5th year. Well done for an excellent story.
1/28/2005 c13 hplovesme
you should totally do one about her life at school all through the years! I think you a great writer and I would deffinently read it!
you should totally do one about her life at school all through the years! I think you a great writer and I would deffinently read it!