Just In
for I'm Here to Thank You, You Prat

9/18/2005 c1 8bellatrixvssirius
thats really good. Why does it hav 2 be a one-shot. u coul;d do moe and make us happy! Plz?
8/21/2005 c1 random person you dont know
alright, this better not be a one-shot. I want to read more! write more! (there, for once, I'm trying not to flame or whatever.)
2/22/2005 c1 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom
Aw. I like Ron.(
2/7/2005 c1 James
I wanted to read more of your stories. I'm glad I did.
12/30/2004 c1 21Hoperise
Better then most fics, but it could use a bit more explaining.
12/16/2004 c1 4loonygrl90
Sorry... just testing... um... anybody there? ::sob::
12/7/2004 c1 Lotrfreakomon
Yea! Someone wrote a story that I actually like!

You did a really good job portrying all the characters, especially Ron. Oh, and whatever you do, don't change the title of your story, because it's awesome. Thanks for sharing your story!
12/6/2004 c1 13Rae Roberts
I liked it. Nice idea that the dead get to come back to comfort a friend.

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