6/25/2010 c1
Good so far. But when Sasuke feels naruto's chakra and says it's like when he battled neji, it seems you forgot that sasuke wasn't there to witness it.

Good so far. But when Sasuke feels naruto's chakra and says it's like when he battled neji, it seems you forgot that sasuke wasn't there to witness it.
5/30/2010 c7
Veryy nice , Naruto the pack leader! But the whole 'switchign back and forth' thing never works forever.. hasnt Hinata even once invited Ten to see Naruto?

Veryy nice , Naruto the pack leader! But the whole 'switchign back and forth' thing never works forever.. hasnt Hinata even once invited Ten to see Naruto?
5/30/2010 c6 Herooftimes
Not sure what's happening with Sasuke, but it was a very good cliffhanger. Hope to see Sakura angered even more soon
Not sure what's happening with Sasuke, but it was a very good cliffhanger. Hope to see Sakura angered even more soon
5/30/2010 c2 Herooftimes
Definitely wish the chapters were longer, but also wondering how Jiraiya at least wouldnt have put two and two together..
Definitely wish the chapters were longer, but also wondering how Jiraiya at least wouldnt have put two and two together..
5/30/2010 c1 Herooftimes
Nice idea, but it seems rushed. How did Naruto suddenly know the words necessary for the fusing. I do feel that Naruto accepted the offer a bit too quickly too.. but I'm definitely interested in seeing the next chapter
Nice idea, but it seems rushed. How did Naruto suddenly know the words necessary for the fusing. I do feel that Naruto accepted the offer a bit too quickly too.. but I'm definitely interested in seeing the next chapter
2/13/2010 c1 Daiski
How the hell can a being of pure chakra suddenly get a body? Oh let's just toss in that little absurdly idea of Naruto being forced into Kyuubi's mindscape as well. I guess you must have ate some funny mushrooms when you wrote this disaster. Top it off with snaking names and such from other people's stories equals a failed fic. Your grammar and spelling didn't help either.
How the hell can a being of pure chakra suddenly get a body? Oh let's just toss in that little absurdly idea of Naruto being forced into Kyuubi's mindscape as well. I guess you must have ate some funny mushrooms when you wrote this disaster. Top it off with snaking names and such from other people's stories equals a failed fic. Your grammar and spelling didn't help either.
12/24/2009 c11
Pity I was never part of this when it was in full swing. Over a year after faving and alerting this, your writing still holds up quite well.
I'll keep an eye out for the rewrite.

Pity I was never part of this when it was in full swing. Over a year after faving and alerting this, your writing still holds up quite well.
I'll keep an eye out for the rewrite.
12/22/2009 c11 necroneox3d
That was, abrupt lol. I've been waitin on this story for a minute, so long i forgot about it and had to reread it lol, hopefully chapters will be coming a lil bit faster now?
That was, abrupt lol. I've been waitin on this story for a minute, so long i forgot about it and had to reread it lol, hopefully chapters will be coming a lil bit faster now?
12/20/2009 c11
3Booze The Klax Knight
damn...I almost forgot about this fic...I hope I won't have to wait another 5 years for the conclusion of the rewrite...

damn...I almost forgot about this fic...I hope I won't have to wait another 5 years for the conclusion of the rewrite...