Just In
for Fallen

5/18/2005 c3 Wraith
Love it, keep going.
4/12/2005 c3 Del
please! im anxiously awaiting the next chapter... this highly original and nothing like the other lotr fanfics that i have read in the past!
3/25/2005 c1 Fabled Phoenix
Please PLEASE update this story! It's brilliant!
3/12/2005 c3 gredior
g8 story. update soon!
2/18/2005 c3 LGM
update soon? yes?

this great, the whole gandalf is the one to help but die...

seriously cant wait for more!
2/14/2005 c3 will you wait for me
me thinks that this is good you shall write more or feel this one's wrath!
2/4/2005 c3 Kota Dawndragon
You have caught my interest with this story. I like the fact that Harry can't communicate automatically. It's more "realistic" that way.

By the way, English is actually a mostly Germanic language, with a lot of Latin and Greek root words and a smattering of just about every other European and main Asian languages thrown in for fun.
1/30/2005 c3 4MoonKittyru
Hey Mister Colon,

This story is really interesting. I like the fact that Harry cannot automatically communicate with the others. The only problem I can find with this story is the lack of an update. I'm not getting any younger waiting for a new chapter (hopefully you will give us more than one chapter).

I like your bio. I found it quite funny. Well...later and UPDATE! soon please.
1/30/2005 c3 5Hepsa
Ye Olde Englishe is celtic, I think. Again, good. Why did you decide to do it LoTR?

The Mad One

Larka :)
1/30/2005 c1 Hepsa
Duh! I'm so glad I pointed that out to you yesterday. On Friday. Goes for my other review too. Sometimes you can be extraordinarily dim. Still, it's good. Please don't try and tell me the story again though; it RUINS IT, Damn you!
1/30/2005 c2 Hepsa
You put that thing up on your Bio yesterday! I know you did, cos I was in the same English lesson! (surprise surprise, me being one of your best friends and sitting right in front of you and whatever) I haven't actually read ths yet, so that was kind've a dumb review.

And you know I said 'Are we actually not allowed to read that book?' To Mr A-M? Well after the lesson I went down to the lockers with Maggie... Oh yeah, you were there, but anyway, I hate Lydia for making out that I wanted to read that book in front of all the other Oites!

Anyway, this is a really random and crap review, and I know your story will be good anyway, so WTF. Umm. I think it's dumb to let kids buy Porno books, unless they have pictures in, but Mr A-M said that most concientious sellers wouldn't sell them, so there's still hope in this world! (if slim)

God, I'm nuts!

The Mad One

Larka :)
1/24/2005 c3 RC Tanoshii
Lovely story. I loved it. Personally you are one of the few ppl who have tried this and have not made Harry the all-powerful hero! YEAH!...of course with my memory during the battle in this chapter I was saying "Do magic, Do magic." But then I remembered. He don't got his wand. *sigh* Lovely writing there, pal. Updation would be appreciated *wink*
1/16/2005 c3 3silverkitcat
Cool start! Someone finally writes about the obvious language differences! How old is Harry in this? He seems quite battle hardened. Will he be able to do magic later? Keep going!
1/7/2005 c3 8Dadaiiro
wow! so he ended up in the fellowship's mission! what is he going to do? follow they, I guess. there is no other option, right? he can't comunicate! will he get something like a wand? or will he manage with his other weapons? will he learn to understand the others? please update soon!
1/6/2005 c3 Arensia
great story and i love the song
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