Just In
for Harry Potter, Boy Who Broke My Heart

11/11/2021 c5 4FGHermione
Harry was a complete jerk in this one, but the story was so sweet!
I loved it :))
2/24/2018 c5 natalieeannee
Well... I don't really like the characterization of Harry sleeping around and not taking marriage seriously...

But I'm happy Ginny and Harry are together.
3/24/2016 c5 DelaneyBee
I kinda like it...But the whole slapping, cussing, pregnancy, hospitalization, and divorce kinda makes for a messy love story

8/27/2015 c5 2J. Jamie Dupane
It was too summary like to have a proper impact... I liked the summary but the main content was just a bigger summary... Too quick, pretty illogical and other such small things that ruined the plot... I don't mean to insult you or anything, ans yes it is an ancient story but I just found it and it had so much potential so I just had to review...

J. Jamie Dupane
4/18/2007 c5 3Manders92
i loved how the summery sounds and you did a really good job on the story :) keep up the good work
8/14/2006 c5 karma11
that was great!
5/23/2005 c5 22Catgirl the Crazy
*adds to favorites*
5/10/2005 c5 5whimsical kitsch
loved it. srry not in the mood for long reviews rite now.
4/3/2005 c3 Galaen
bad harry. kissing the mother of his child while still married to a self-righteous priss of a bitch. bad harry.
3/31/2005 c5 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom
LOL. Harry was a complete arse in this, but it was still a good fic! Good job

3/31/2005 c3 Rubber-duckiesofdoom
GO TO HELL HARRY! Gah he's such an ass...

2/27/2005 c5 6xthedramaqueenx
I just LOVE this story! It's so beautiful, and I'm such a SUCKER for happy endings!
2/27/2005 c1 xthedramaqueenx
i just LOVE this story!
1/23/2005 c5 Laura
great story. i love it.
1/21/2005 c5 2evil-pillow
aw! so adorable! i lurv it!
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