Just In
for An Aunt's Love

1/25 c54 Dana Michelle Cooper
thank you so much. Dumbledore needed the hell he's going to get. and he is going to get it big time. you know all those people up in the Great Hall will write home.
1/25 c54 Dana Michelle Cooper
if this is how Dumbledore would treat someone he thinks of as a son... damn it damn well good he doesn't have any children.
1/24 c53 Dana Michelle Cooper
this chapter is just a long way of showing how much of an aDumbledore is. and he wonders why Harry does not trust him.
1/23 c26 Dana Michelle Cooper
in every story I read. I read the first chapter then I read the last two chapters... this chapter is kind of making me sad because he's thinking for the future and it's not going to get it. it won't stop me from reading all the way through it. but still sad.
1/22 c50 tristanrayne
This chaper is also formatted strangely, chapter 50. Thank you!
1/22 c49 tristanrayne
This chaper is also formatted strangely, chapter 49. Thank you!
1/22 c48 tristanrayne
This chapter is also formatted strangely, chapter 48. Thank you!
1/22 c47 tristanrayne
This chapter isn’t formatted like the other ones can you please fix it? It makes it uncomfortable to read. Chapter 47, Thank you!
1/17 c77 8The.MysticSong
I love this story so much. I've been reading and rereading it for so long. I hope there is more coming. Especially with this cliffhanger!
1/17 c77 1LoveSpock
Hope you continue!

1/11 c75 Anime Lover
1/11 c72 Anime Lover
Noice af :)
1/11 c57 Anime Lover
1/10 c35 Anime Lover
I STILL cant get over the fact that SNAPE has the ABILITY to LAUGH!
1/9 c16 Anime Lover
Me; Forgets to comment. . .
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