Just In
for An Aunt's Love

10/27/2023 c77 crazedmadman05
There is no way that is the ending…
10/26/2023 c77 mumphie
OMG! You left this as a cliffie? It's been over a year. Please come back and make this right...Harry living and having a real life? Will he meet up with Bley and have his heart kick started somehow? Leaving it here will never do!
This has been an interesting and intriguing story. I have been a tad confused as to the abrupt change in ole Voldie, and WHY he would even want to train his nemesis. Or why Harry was ready to leave the school with Paul and Sensei when he was still having episodes. I truly hope you have a plan to make a HEV to this story, and to find your mojo!
10/26/2023 c66 mumphie
I do so hope that you are planning on a turn of events that propel Harry into a long life with a happy marriage and a gaggle of children! Most readers want Harry to die very old and with him having a happy adulthood.
10/23/2023 c77 DaisyG
Even unfinished this tale is a masterpiece! Author! Author!
10/25/2023 c39 mumphie
When harry left his 'dream world' he was about the age of 13. When he went back was he taller/heavier...or was he still as short as he was when he went in - because he left it at 13, not at 16? I wonder how he will reconcile what he considers a betrayal by Bley? How will he get more training, and is he doomed because he left? I guess I will have to continue on to see!
9/28/2023 c77 Philip A Schmidt
i hope there is more to come .you can't just end it like this. i spent 2 weeks reading this. oh well very good story
9/17/2023 c33 21Duchess67
Who in their right mind complains that a chapter is too long? That just means more story to read, which is a GOOD thing!

So how is Snape getting past the promise he made to Dumbles? Or is his vow to keep Harry safe overriding the one to Dumbles? *curious*
9/16/2023 c31 Duchess67
I'm not sure how I feel about Petunia trying to act like she cares for Harry NOW, instead of when he was small, when he really needed it. Yes, he needs love now, but her denying it when he was small SCARRED HIM TERRIBLY. And that plan she and Vernon came up with made NO sense, none whatsoever! Especially allowing Dudley to become such a horrible bully towards Harry! Grrrr

I'm having a hard time believing this. There's just no good excuse for how they treated Harry. NONE! If they'd been spelled to come up with such a horrible plan, THAT I could believe, but you're trying to get us to believe that they did it on their own. How STUPID would someone have to be to think that was a GOOD idea? Are Petunia and Vernon both brain damaged? Dudley certainly seems to be!
9/16/2023 c30 Duchess67
Um, this is the absolute first time I've heard about Harry having an agreement with Voldemort. Did I miss it in a previous chapter? Voldie demanded that Harry learn from him, Harry had to acquiesce or be made to suffer. When was this "agreement" made?

I'm surprised at Paul. What was up with that?

Looks like Harry running to hide was a good idea. A pseudonym of Evan James won't fool Snape, he's going to know it's Harry. Heck, Harry is probably going to come down from that tree in the next chapter.
9/16/2023 c77 2Bad Wolf Jen
I would appreciate if you would finish the story. after years of following it I would really like an ending.
9/16/2023 c25 21Duchess67
Harry is playing a VERY dangerous game with Voldemort. Is he actually ready for that? I hope so!
9/15/2023 c22 Duchess67
I am really hoping nothing bad happens to Paul or Sensei, because Harry is really becoming attached and I don't think he'd survive that.
9/15/2023 c20 Duchess67
Oh Good, Fawkes is going to keep Harry's secret? And maybe Petunia will let Remus know where Harry is? Hey, why is Remus using a cane? Why is he considered unable to participate in the war? What happened?
9/15/2023 c19 Duchess67
Oh I love how the WARDS are turning against Dumbledore and Snape! LOL Goody!
9/14/2023 c15 Duchess67
So... You're ignoring canon? Harry, book one, ducking under Petunia's frying pan. That was LEARNED behavior. She had HIT him with the dang thing in the past. Vernon manhandling Harry, at the very least. And Dudley actually using his friends to regularly beat Harry up if they caught him during "Harry Hunting."
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