Just In
for An Aunt's Love

7/31/2023 c56 Guest
Come from India and live in Germany speak both Hindi and German, hope you win
7/29/2023 c77 Tinkerbell love
Please update this story is good and can’t wait to see what happen next
7/27/2023 c64 1Lun Guang Yue
I'm a Muslim and I love the fact that you mentioned our beloved Prophet Muhammad
7/7/2023 c77 12Finwitch1
Well I guess neither is alive now. Harry might rise as a vampire though. Or Blys helps him out again.
7/6/2023 c77 Guest
Been with this story since the beginning. I hope we get an update soon and you are well.
7/6/2023 c77 JaxieRose
I just reread this and PLEASE continue it! 3
6/18/2023 c77 aemilyl24
Wow this story was incredible. I notice you haven't updated in about a year. I do hope you'll continue this story. I really hope somehow Harry is alive. I love this story so much. I love your Harry, Sensei, Petunia, Remus, Paul, Vlad, Hermione, etc... It's so good and I can't wait to see what is next!
6/9/2023 c77 7Morri-McLelland
While I am rarely on here, I will occasionally find a new gem. By no means a perfect story, if you are willing to overlook the minor spelling mistakes and formatting issues, I believe this is a story well worth reading. I hope to see a conclusion to this someday.
6/7/2023 c62 treyrich34
All of them in bed together is creepy
6/7/2023 c62 treyrich34
Dudley should marry Luna
6/6/2023 c13 1half of my life is reading
Heyyyyy! No making fun of William Shakespeare's Hamlet! I love that play!
6/1/2023 c38 treyrich34
I’ve been to Hogwarts. Spiffy
5/14/2023 c77 8Light Hero Kaiser
Most interesting great story so far mate can't wait for more
5/3/2023 c5 tfuinsah
Hermione I'd-rather-die-than-get-expelled Granger casually commiting international crimes. My oh my, how far she's come, from innocent schoolgirl to undersirable number one the world over!
4/23/2023 c77 Lisa996
Absolutely love this story and look forward to the next update! I hope you are doing well and life is being kind
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