Just In
for A New Year with Chocolate

3/22/2009 c1 OoverO
Awe! Lol.

For such a cutefic the end was so random, haha! Loved it!
7/16/2008 c1 11Elessae
Remus' clues for Sirius were so cleverly written, and they made me smile, in an insider-aha!-I-know-the-answer sort of way.

And your James was wonderfully done as well.

Great job!
10/12/2007 c1 33runningfingers
I have to thank you, I first read this story on almost a year ago, and it was the first slash story I had ever read. I sort of didn't even realize what it was, but as soon as I had read it I became obsessed with Remus/Sirius, and I've been reading slash ever since. Not to mention the fact that it is one of the best stories I've read.
8/4/2007 c1 MrsPotter177
Awh! Resisting the urge to do a big fangirl *squeal*, but it's difficult!

It was perfect! PerfectPerfectPerfect =]

And you are now my new best friend for writing it! Haha!

Anyway, yeah. I loved it! =]]
10/6/2005 c1 18Goddess of Idun
wonderful story! i liked this part best:

“When I say it, it starts with a ‘y’. When you say it, it starts with an ‘m’.”

great, i never would've thought of that!
1/14/2005 c1 2ChickFlick004
Aw, coolies! hahaha, the prank is great! and guess what? I've finally updated my own fic as well! check it out! =) =)
1/6/2005 c1 7lover-singer
That was totally AWESOME! Great story! I loved the prank. GREAT JOB!
1/2/2005 c1 1FlamencoPenguin
aw...much new years fun!

my favorite new years one so far. You give a great picture of the relationship between the marauders and especially that between remus and sirius. It is quite cute and a definite pick-me-up! Thanks!
1/2/2005 c1 1errolschick
omg omg omg how WORNDERFUL! Such a sweet story! Didn't QUITE get the reference to 'y' 's' or 'm' but what the heck!

"You're still Remus, right?" :D :D :D :D :D WONDERFUL!
1/2/2005 c1 31Siriuslyfun19212
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAY! THIS STORY IS SUPER FANTASTIC! THE END KICKED ARSE! And the hints Remus gave Sirius were the best! AND JAMES! James is so cool! And nice! YAy!
1/1/2005 c1 3candycloudz13
aw! so cute and fluffy! i need chocolate now...anywayz, great oneshot! write more!
1/1/2005 c1 elvencherry07
Oh! Cute! (personally, i would NEVER have figured it out... sirius definitely had help!)
1/1/2005 c1 The Palindrome
Oh! That was great! I just love Sirius and Remus! I really liked the riddle. This is absolutely fantastic! I can't wait for more stories *hint hint*. I suppose I'll see you in French class. Ta Ta!

1/1/2005 c1 firesnake
lovely absolutey lovely. Do youhave a livejournal? You might like the remusXsirius livejournal or Azkaban lair
1/1/2005 c1 18Sarcastic Romantic
that was GREAT!

i love all the clues that Remus gave Sirius!

CONGRATS! write anouther!
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