Just In
for Sector 6

4/20/2010 c1 18Finished and Gone
I love the way you described Cloud!
7/13/2009 c1 AlysiaRhythm
Lol! Cute! Very good description of Cloud, too! Very very good. ^^
8/16/2008 c1 3Amber.River
aww, how cute! I love your descriptions of Cloud. awsome!
6/4/2007 c1 29Beeria
hee hee I loved it! xD
2/17/2007 c1 5xanimejunkie
o.o! aww... what a cute fic. keep on writing! ^.^.
11/27/2006 c1 4xfantasygirlx
I liked this! Nice!

6/27/2005 c1 14LastCetra
That's really really sweet! I love the Cloud and Aeris pairing so much, they're the best couple ever, even if they can't really be together. Love crosses all boundries though!

Anyway, I've babbled. Lovely fic.
5/11/2005 c1 4ClosetFanGrill
Squee n.n realy enjoyed this. full of cute fuzzies.
3/19/2005 c1 7mangoseed
That wasn't bad. I enjoyed it, actually. There were minor things, however, that seemed to get at me. It was mainly figurative language that didn't seem to fit.

But all-in-all, nice job.
1/18/2005 c1 180utfoxed
That was very good.
1/10/2005 c1 5Mex-chick
About time you decided to come back to FFVII! And you still haven't updated your other FFVII stories! Oh, but since you now like Inuyasha, how 'bout a story for that show? I wouldn't even care if it were an InuKag.

Anyway, I like your story. Good think you didn't make me cry on this one. Laters!

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