4/25/2024 c7 Ana
Aí eu amei demais,continua por favor eu imploro,achei que a personalidade deles tá muito parecida fom as de um sonserino e grifinorio,continuaaaaaaa!
Aí eu amei demais,continua por favor eu imploro,achei que a personalidade deles tá muito parecida fom as de um sonserino e grifinorio,continuaaaaaaa!
4/25/2024 c7 Guest
Continua por favor eu imploro,adorei acho que a personalidade deles está bem parecida com a de um sonserino e grifinorio,continua aaaaa!
Continua por favor eu imploro,adorei acho que a personalidade deles está bem parecida com a de um sonserino e grifinorio,continua aaaaa!
3/28/2016 c2 Jakes kaka
Not bad not bad in deed
Not bad not bad in deed
5/9/2012 c7 EMx2
i absolutely have enjoyed this story so far, great writing! :)
i love Pansys' character, she just seems sooooo innocent and vulnerable at times, just right for Harry who i also adore- hes just sooo charming, how could you not like him with Pansys' descriptions of him!
& Draco/Ginny this is just getting better! im betting that Hermione is going with Blaise(hopefully i love that pairing too) just because they were able to interact during potions :/
i just love how this story is progressing, just gets more and more interesting! well keep up the awesome writing
cant wait to see what you have planned next! update soon ^.^
i absolutely have enjoyed this story so far, great writing! :)
i love Pansys' character, she just seems sooooo innocent and vulnerable at times, just right for Harry who i also adore- hes just sooo charming, how could you not like him with Pansys' descriptions of him!
& Draco/Ginny this is just getting better! im betting that Hermione is going with Blaise(hopefully i love that pairing too) just because they were able to interact during potions :/
i just love how this story is progressing, just gets more and more interesting! well keep up the awesome writing
cant wait to see what you have planned next! update soon ^.^
1/21/2011 c7
2Space Odin
i didn't even read chapter seven because it just seems to rushed, they started hating each other and magically in 4 detentions they fall for each other. it sounds like something a 15 year old girl with delusions of movie romance would write. i kept reading hoping there would be more romantic development than there was, unfortunately they just seem to start becoming attracted to each other almost at random and quickly develop feelings for each other. it's not very believable and the characters don't seem to have enough depth of personality. it is unfortunate because i actually like the pairing but i coudn't seem to really get into this one. a quick peice of advice, especially if you decide to make a deeply thrilling story that will keep people on the edge of thier seats, then try throwing in some tragedy or something dramatic in which something bad happens or maybe somebody tries to kill harry. even better would be to make Voldemort part of the story and the hardships the go through. i don't mean to hurt your feelings but that is just my opinion of the story. i apologize if i was to harsh.

i didn't even read chapter seven because it just seems to rushed, they started hating each other and magically in 4 detentions they fall for each other. it sounds like something a 15 year old girl with delusions of movie romance would write. i kept reading hoping there would be more romantic development than there was, unfortunately they just seem to start becoming attracted to each other almost at random and quickly develop feelings for each other. it's not very believable and the characters don't seem to have enough depth of personality. it is unfortunate because i actually like the pairing but i coudn't seem to really get into this one. a quick peice of advice, especially if you decide to make a deeply thrilling story that will keep people on the edge of thier seats, then try throwing in some tragedy or something dramatic in which something bad happens or maybe somebody tries to kill harry. even better would be to make Voldemort part of the story and the hardships the go through. i don't mean to hurt your feelings but that is just my opinion of the story. i apologize if i was to harsh.
4/19/2010 c7 cygz
dude! you had to stop there? come on- finish it, please!
dude! you had to stop there? come on- finish it, please!
7/23/2009 c7
Holy ShitE started reading this a while ago and I couldn't pry myself from the page, uggh I think Harry should hurry and deck one of the reporters already and Pan should Avada her parents. BUt that would make things complicated woudn't it?

Holy ShitE started reading this a while ago and I couldn't pry myself from the page, uggh I think Harry should hurry and deck one of the reporters already and Pan should Avada her parents. BUt that would make things complicated woudn't it?