1/1/2006 c1
3Antartic Darkness
Ack! So cute! The cuteness... *twitchs* *twitchs* AH! *collapses on ground and twitchs some more*

Ack! So cute! The cuteness... *twitchs* *twitchs* AH! *collapses on ground and twitchs some more*
9/15/2005 c1 Thrior
That was really good and beautiful little story. I liked :).
That was really good and beautiful little story. I liked :).
1/19/2005 c1
7Athenes muse
This was a very beautiful short story! I really enjoyed reading it. keep up the good work love!

This was a very beautiful short story! I really enjoyed reading it. keep up the good work love!
1/19/2005 c1 JaySnaps
aww, that was so sweet! coulda done with a bit more backround info, but still lovely :)
aww, that was so sweet! coulda done with a bit more backround info, but still lovely :)