Just In
for All Because Of Lavender

3/26/2007 c1 RonLuvR
that was a really cute story! very well written! nice job.
11/22/2005 c1 6Quikil
it was just totally, all-around awesome. i'm recommending u to my friends. *adds to favorite stories list*

Thankies for the reviews!

Sincerely Yours,

4/17/2005 c1 8hermionegarner
This was a great fic! It was so cute! You're a great writer!
3/18/2005 c1 1JWeasley
when you read my fic, i had to read one of yours! it was very cute! stories like this make me all warm and tingly inside! thanks for the review!
3/16/2005 c1 1kinsy
Its a lovely story! YAY RON! He is so brave
2/20/2005 c1 13quidditch7
wow that was great! i loved it soo much...especially the last bit when hermoine says "i dont want you to" was priceless..i really loved this story! :)

2/20/2005 c1 1bridges and balloons
you conveyed their thoughts and emotions in just the right way! splendid job!
2/3/2005 c1 3Huggles4All
cute. very different. but i liked it! comtinue writing!
2/3/2005 c1 koalangel
great story! wonderful things plants can do, right? lol, I really enjoyed reading this story!
2/2/2005 c1 2JustTrippin

go pasta.

Love your story
2/2/2005 c1 10suckr4romance
i loved it! it was really good.
2/2/2005 c1 Anonymous
DUDE. WHAT IS WITH THE SLANG? I THOUGHT THAT ENGLISH WAS ONE LANGUAGE. Woops. I'm sorry, I just realized that my CAPS LOCK was on the whole time. I suppose it must have seemed as if I were yelling. Again I apologize. I thought it was a fairly good plot and I liked the writing structure. I also realize that, I have in fact, included slang in my review and for this I say, "Ya'll I'm am so gosh darn sorry." ha ha ha ha ha. Oh my goodness. Well, toodles.
2/2/2005 c1 4AntiCelestial
SUCCESS! I guess the saying about the harder you look for something, the harder it is to find. I've been searching an eternity to finish reading this story. I went to the search bar and typed in "forest" "Lavender" "woods", etc. and couldn't find it for an entire week. This story really took me in and I was just devestated that I didn't get to finish reading it, but now, out of the blue, here it is. This is really a great story and should get much more reviews.
2/2/2005 c1 2thekecmaster
The story was pretty awesome. I liked the consistent change in POVs & how you separated it using different text.

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