Just In
for Love token

12/30/2020 c12 Pholeeternal
Loved the story. So touching
5/26/2017 c12 5Sere'sLight
Thank you for a wonderful story plot. You are probably the first story I finished that had English framer mistakes. Usually I stop reading but you plot was soo good I kept going to the end.

Would you mind if I rewrote this story and repoblished it?
12/18/2006 c10 192Wicked R
I think this still is the most romantic moment in Charmed history for me, next chapter when Phoebe calls him and they meet and they end up holding each other on the couch healing the pain they've caused each other. was wonderful. anyway, I haven't heard of you for a year, hope ur ok and didn't forget about Cole and (me, cause the two of us go together:))
12/9/2006 c12 26elisaday16
Those drops falling from are NOT tears! They're...just...water,yeah,..only water! I...just had a...ähm,..shower! Yep, but this story is awesome!

Go on! Please !

Hope you're fine
1/22/2006 c12 2Affff
how cute...
10/2/2005 c12 Guest
not quite all-round exellent - there is little pheope (young) character developement as she meets chris and wyatt
9/12/2005 c12 Ancient Galaxy
Loved it !
8/24/2005 c12 35mandymoore1
what a great ending i liked it
5/27/2005 c12 Real-Blonde-in-Florida
Great ending! I just wish you would have explained a little more on how Cole got back and why it took him so long. I like the story though and really enjoyed reading it. I hope you write another Phoebe and Cole story soon.
5/16/2005 c12 16Blue eyes6
I loved this story. Loved the Cole and Phoebe moments the best. They're so great together.

Can't wait for your next story.
5/14/2005 c12 shel
you know i'm a sucker for happy phoebe/cole endings...i think my fave scene here was when cole fell unconscious and phoebe continued talking to him about her plans for the future (seven? on the other hand, i suppose i'm not one to be surprised, i gave 'em 10, lol)...also liked the ending and the reason why phoebe's spell didn't work...sad it's over but so glad you shared!
5/14/2005 c12 2bunn2007
Great ending! Cole's back forever yay!
5/13/2005 c12 7WillowsMyHero2458
I absoultely loved this story. Thank you for writing such a great story. It made me cry and belive that love can overcome everything
5/13/2005 c12 ana
please do a secual
5/13/2005 c12 192Wicked R
loved the moments between them, with her holding him. liked the Cole/Leo moment too.
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