Just In
for Forever After

11/15/2011 c1 11jumpOVERtheMOON
I have to admitt, this short one-shot was filled with alot of emotion. I felt like I was watching people have a conversation; not reading it on fanfiction. Keep up the good work and keep writing! =)
5/24/2009 c1 BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope
A great story. Very good.
11/25/2008 c1 34wprosser2008
Such a sad ending, but so cute. You just HAVE to feel sorry for Dawn.

All in all, a great fic.

10/23/2006 c1 30MrBillyD
This was very good, you got it just right. If you want to continue the narrative, who knows how many things you can do with it?
9/7/2006 c1 5God Is A DJ
I love the ending. I feel horrible for Dawn. She went through so much to get her mom back...and she didn't remember Dawn at all.
1/8/2006 c1 4final-fantasy-20
Oh, this is great! If you have not done so already, a sequel would be lovley to read. Poor Dawn!
2/7/2005 c1 49Orange Bulldog
Hey, like the ending. Makes it more than just a happy fluffy story.
2/7/2005 c1 spikespet2002
Like that twist. Very cool.
2/6/2005 c1 37SquirlK
Oh, that was good. You should add to it.

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