Just In
for Little Pink Pills

2/13 c5 7Cole Stewart
Fun idea
4/30/2020 c5 The Last One
YES! YES! GODS YES! THIS WAS SO GOOD! im sort of glad you didn't add more, because of the the things im imaging, Mmm
5/16/2019 c5 1Alliecat445
WOW this was really freaking good
2/1/2019 c5 TeddyB3ar
oh my gosh
8/3/2018 c1 24copperheadstails
This was hilarious and adorable. love love love
1/13/2018 c5 Holly
I knew Snape and Mcgonagall were going to burst in, but i loved it. One of the best fanfics i have ever read ️️
11/14/2017 c3 Follower-of-Loki
Aww so cute chibi Draco on drugs!it's funny too
10/14/2016 c5 Ann
That was beautiful. I liked how you portrayed Draco. The Snape thing at the end is priceless.️
1/8/2016 c5 EMERALD ROSE816
love it.
11/9/2015 c5 VIXX Dark Angel
Grrrr now that was sexy
10/8/2014 c5 occasionallywrite
So fabulous! Love this little gem of a story.
9/28/2014 c5 ntalcenent
Very fun little ficlet, makes me curious about Ecstasy ")
8/31/2014 c2 Guest
"slightly less masculine Hermione" hahaha. Really enjoying this so far, well done!
2/7/2014 c5 poiu1298
that was awesome. i really like that you aren't afraid of people flaming you about the drugs and just wrote it :)
2/2/2014 c5 shoshanna benne hachochim
Very entertaining fic.
Thumbs up!
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