Just In
for Pulling Him Closer

3/26/2006 c10 ginnyweasleyrules
this is really good!
3/26/2006 c10 7Your Oasis
hey! i can't wait till u update! i love ur story! great job!
3/24/2006 c10 dancerrdw
that was good i hope u update soon
3/24/2006 c10 Lyssa
Oh! Omg okay I'll admit it right now! When that ugly Mora girl came out and was like 'Ron what's going on?' my mouth dropped open! I was horrified! I was like RON! YOU STUPID DUMB GIT! I WILL COME THERE MYSELF AND STRANGLE YOU! GR!

Ahaha I hope you know what you're doing. Well I'm SURE you know what you're doing but it sounded like a smart reader sort of thing to say, you know? Like aww gosh! Are you sure you know what you're doing? But duh of course you do! Hence the reason this fic is gonna be wickedness!

But it's so sad that you only have one chapter to go! You'll have to start something new right away! Or people will be mad. mhm mhm! lol Alright well I can't wait to read that last chapter! And now I'm going to just remind you quickly to READ TWILIGHT! =D haha

Much luv-

3/24/2006 c10 Jypsy Radcliffe
3/19/2006 c9 5MasochistandNarcissistFan
Aww, i'm sorry again I didn't review sooner. This chapter was sad but very, very good. You got the emotions down wonderfully and you even got me a bit teary-eyed. Really nice job! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon plz!

3/19/2006 c8 MasochistandNarcissistFan
I'm so, so sorry for not reviewing you in ages! I've just been super busy with Drama Club (which is sadly over now, so I'll probably be able to write/read fanfic again) and school. Anyways, this was a great chapter. You really are a good writer and I still love this story. Off to read the next chapter now!

3/9/2006 c9 92miarae
Love your story, finally got round to reading it :D anyway please update soon? :D
3/6/2006 c9 Lyssa
It wasn't about Zach. I had been alone since the day Ron had left five years ago.

Aww! I actually started to cry when I read that line! That's so sad! Noo! *hugs Hermione* don't worry! You're not alone! Ron loves you! I love you! We all love you! But Ron LOVES LOVES you! *wink wink*

Wickedness with this chapter. You got the emotion across wonderfully! And sheesh I'll never get over that line. It's going to haunt me forever! I'll be 80 years old goind "No Hermione! You're not alone! Zach is an ass! Ron loves you! You love Ron!* Then of course someone will think I've gone insane in my old age and then they'll ship me off to St. Mungo's. Thanks for that by the way! =P

But very nice. You seriously got the emotion of lonely, sadness right in this chapter! I'm lovin it! You'd better get you butt writing chapter 10 soon or I'll tell the evil mob where you live so they can stand outside your window with pitch forks and burning hay and stuff! So beware of that! But if it does happen you'll know it's from me =P

Keep it goin, Much love.
3/6/2006 c8 Lyssa
Ugh! I really don't like this Zach dude! OBVIOUSLY Hermione isn't the right girl for him! DUH Unless he thinks the right girl for him is a girl who's so clearly, madly, deeply in love with RON! =D

Wicked chapter chicka! Stop doubting yourself! You're the bestest wickedest sweetest wonderfulest writer and friend! You hang in there and keep your chin up! With every chapter, we as writers, get better! And who cares if people know it or not! They're all crazy anyway! We're the only sane people out there ;)

Much much much love!
3/5/2006 c9 Yuhari
Awsome Chapter! Update soon please! Can't wait for the next chapter~~
3/4/2006 c9 5BuckNC
Good Chapter, now relax about the Review count. It takes a while for a story to catch on with the readers especially with so much angst and tragedy.

If you want to bump up the review count have more Ron and Hermione working through their problems than segments of the past. It's a bit confusing to keep jumping back and forth from the past to present so often. It also help if we saw a definite positive step foward between Ron and Hermione being that we are on the 9th chapter and counting. It doesn't neccessarily have to be them moving in together and deciding a wedding date, but a move toward dating again would be nice.

Good Luck and don't let the review count get you down.
3/3/2006 c9 NA Sorry Try Kanzen Isagiyoku
HURRY HURRY HURRY! has it been two weeks yet?
3/3/2006 c2 NA Sorry Try Kanzen Isagiyoku
*bawls* ITS SO SAD!
3/3/2006 c1 NA Sorry Try Kanzen Isagiyoku
*cry* im geting teary...its so sad! sorry im very emotionsal! :)
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