Just In
for Parvulus

6/12/2016 c6 gothangelp3
Please update this story! I really want to know what happens next and I'm really liking this story and its concept!
5/3/2016 c6 1MadiRoseFangirl
Wtf? You are freaking kidding me!? What the heck? Why didn't you update. This is really good.
2/12/2016 c3 4Ianthesmall
Just saying this story rules and should have never been dropped. It is so great.
2/21/2013 c6 3Team Major Whitlock
I love this story and I hope that you can update soon since this story is amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter. Just to let you know that if you need any help with this story either with ideas or just help then feel free to PM me no matter how big or small, I hope you update soon. Summer x
8/23/2010 c6 1Griffin Raven
I love the idea of Severus having not only a twin brother, but the fact that his brother is also married. Young Draco's had an extremely confusing time recently; (a) what with his father Lucius being sent to prison; (b) his mother Narcissa's iminent collaspe; (c) being sent to stay with his godfather Severus; (d) telling his godfather Severus that he doesn't want to be a death eater. Then on top of that witnessing Severus break down into tears and weep. Suddenly learning of Severus's brother and that his godfather has a son.

Though with Draco/Aiden, being hidden under disguises as the son of Romulus and Medea...will finally allow the young lad to behave like a teenage he is and not as "a Malfoy". He'll be able to make friends and do things that his father Lucius had never allowed him to do, because they were seemingly beneath a Malfoy to do or befriend.

I can understand why Remus kept "Harry's" true parentage from Severus, because of the way that he was forced to behave towards him. His behaviour towards Harry was partly because he was a spy for the light against Voldemort and his every move was watched and reported. But also because of the fact that Harry was supposedly the son of his boyhood rival who bullied and humiliated him as a boy. Though I'm guessing that Remus believed that Severus knew "Harry" was his son, but was rejecting him so never told either Severus or Harry the truth. When in fact the truth was that Severus didn't know because he didn't remember.

Will Remus and Severus be able to forgive each other for assumptions and actions? Will Severus be able to forge a relationship with his son? Will Severus and Remus be able to forge some type of friendship or truce for the mental welfare of "Harry"?
10/28/2009 c6 Cassandra30
Good stuff!
10/28/2009 c5 Cassandra30
10/28/2009 c4 Cassandra30
Good idea.
10/28/2009 c3 Cassandra30
10/28/2009 c2 Cassandra30
Strange chapter.
10/28/2009 c1 Cassandra30
Great start!
9/23/2009 c6 99997777733
I love this fic ^_^ keep up the great work ^^
1/14/2009 c6 1Eriklover101
plz continue this story I really like it
4/9/2007 c6 4Marikili68
i love your story update soon
6/24/2006 c6 4luvbooks
cool story
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