Just In
for Worst Days

6/13/2024 c1 Guest
Loved this and hate those annoying rabid fan girls because everyone knows only Sakura is the one for Sasuke love SasuSaku so freaking much and they are forever and always to me.
10/19/2021 c1 Guest
2/18/2020 c1 enrimoe
this is funny. hah Sasuke's so lucky to get away so easily
12/28/2019 c1 SasukeSakura23
I loved it!
11/27/2019 c1 Guest
11/22/2018 c1 typical shipper
wow im like ... wth? that was great . love the way you right. and im once in a few months satisfied with the ending
11/21/2018 c1 Ilegitim
Yes. Yes, it was funny XD
10/25/2018 c1 13Tropicallight
Aw! Poor Sasuke has to rum away from his fangirls lol. Good work tho
10/19/2016 c1 Izanami118
Oh hell, please write a sequel with them being together and rub it in those fangirls faces! Hahahaha!
4/10/2016 c1 Guest
I love this, it's cute. And weird at some points.
4/25/2015 c1 azuraumiko-chan
Omaigahh! NO! NO! This is soooo... ARGH MY FEELS \\\\ Such a sweet story \\\
3/25/2015 c1 Guest
You are really one of the most awesome fanficts ever..I am so excited I put it in my favouritescongrats
1/27/2015 c1 Renita Sarah
Nice! A very nice intimately story. Not too lemon, but I get the romantic scene. Love it! Thank you.. xD
9/1/2014 c1 floating on clouds above
Really sweet! I love it! :)
6/25/2014 c1 2Poppy Young
Dawwwwwwwwww that was so. Cute.!
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