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for Phantom Companions

8/12/2018 c12 WinterRose16312
Raoul really doesn't deserve all the crap the Phandom gives him.
8/12/2018 c11 WinterRose16312
I love how Erik just rolls with their love for bizarre outfits (not that he has room to talk in the 2004 movie).
8/12/2018 c10 WinterRose16312
If Anna & Brooke still have Wi-Fi, why haven't they gotten in touch with their families? I'm just picturing them Skyping with their parents and Erik just being awkward in the background and their folks being all, "Are you still living with that weird roommate?"
8/12/2018 c9 WinterRose16312
I'm a little surprised they didn't say, "A disaster beyond your imagination will occur!"
8/12/2018 c7 WinterRose16312
Why would Erik have strung up a purple curtain instead of a red or black one?
8/12/2018 c6 WinterRose16312
I wonder if they would end up screwing around with the timeline by teaching Erik about how movies work. Seeing him go into the movie business is certainly more in-character than Coney Island, I would think.
8/12/2018 c5 WinterRose16312
I want my own Poppins Bag. I've wanted one for 13 years and I still want one now. Imagine how convenient traveling would be!
8/12/2018 c4 WinterRose16312
I just think of the scene from Terry Pratchett's Maskerade where Agnes keeps trying to tell the "If he has no nose, how does he smell?" joke.
8/12/2018 c3 WinterRose16312
Of course Erik would figure out how to work the laptop and fix the battery.
8/12/2018 c2 WinterRose16312
I love how they freak out over the underwear, like normal 21st century people would.
8/12/2018 c1 WinterRose16312
I just added this fic to my external bookmarks on Archive of Our Own, and I have loved it for 13 years (has it really been that long?). The grammar and spelling are decent, and I remember laughing so hard I cried the first time I read some of these scenes.

This is like the fanfic equivalent of a fluffy blanket, comfy jammies, a mug of hot cocoa, and fresh cookies by the fire on a snowy day. I love it to pieces and even if you won't finish it (I won't be THAT reviewer), I would love to see it imported to Ao3 so I can leave kudos for the fic and comments on every single chapter.
4/28/2018 c21 Luca
Selfish bitch!
4/27/2018 c9 Luca
He was a sexy Erik! ThE first OG hace ever watch un a movie.
4/27/2018 c4 Luca
The hace a hint of green and it seems gray too. Bit blues is ok. Bit his lookings are not those of Gerard, no?
3/16/2018 c12 Guest
It would be a great plot twist if Raoul and Erik become lovers OMG
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