11/20/2007 c1 m-affliction
I really loved this! You captured how Scott would feel so well! Please add another chapter to this, it's perfect!
I really loved this! You captured how Scott would feel so well! Please add another chapter to this, it's perfect!
11/5/2005 c1 blue-eyed-blondie
that was excellent. i hope you are going to continue it. i really wanna see what happens between Scott and Mikey. Oh and theres a MOPI category now on the website. yup they finally let us have one thank god. so maybe u wanna move this over there.
that was excellent. i hope you are going to continue it. i really wanna see what happens between Scott and Mikey. Oh and theres a MOPI category now on the website. yup they finally let us have one thank god. so maybe u wanna move this over there.
10/1/2005 c1 Julie C
Oh yeah, it is a great fic :) You know, you should continue it ;D
Oh yeah, it is a great fic :) You know, you should continue it ;D
2/23/2005 c1 32Princess SimbiAni Dreamz a'Luv
aww, that's so sad... but very well-written... great job! you're right, of course, i *am* proud of you! hehe ^_~
Sincerely, ~*SimbiAni*~
Luver of all that's sappy, cute, & aww-some!
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h t t p : / / fanfiction. net/c2/991/1/1/
aww, that's so sad... but very well-written... great job! you're right, of course, i *am* proud of you! hehe ^_~
Sincerely, ~*SimbiAni*~
Luver of all that's sappy, cute, & aww-some!
h t t p : / / hometown.aol. com/anyasimbi/media. html
h t t p : / / groups.yahoo. com/group/simbifanfic
h t t p : / / geocities. com/simbiani/hp. html
h t t p : / / fanfiction. net/c2/991/1/1/