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for Pet Project

10/1/2022 c51 Z26z26
You are a wonderful writer, I cried reading the emotions between Harry and Voldemort. Thanks!
9/2/2022 c52 7The Wizarding Horcrux
I had my doubts about this story because of where it started in the timeline (I'm squicked by any romance during Hogwarts years that is cross-generational!) but the development and pace of the story was such that I really ended up appreciating your timeline. I have a soft spot for the Seventh Year we never got. So, I'm glad to see that there was a significant portion of the story that played out that way.

I can appreciate very heartily that when you started, canon was not concluded - but you seamlessly involved every canon outcome into your own tale. Impressive! I always find it interesting how pre-HBP stories include the bombshell of the Lily and Severus friendship and you did fantastic. It was really seamless, really!

I enjoyed your portrayal of Arithmancy and really particularly enjoyed this line: "I can't imagine adding two plus two and always getting four" - how utterly magical! I love it!

Although I started this story almost 10 years after you finished, I really appreciate having coming across it and enjoyed it, mightily. Thanks for sharing!
8/22/2022 c35 minimar
oh my god, i would be honoured to slam front doors of Hogwarts on your fingers :D
7/26/2022 c52 Nut Toxx
I really liked the story and the way of writing. I have read it in 24 hours. Luckily I found it now and not while you were writing hahaha. But the ending leaves me with a bittersweet taste, I'm missing details, explanations, characters... It's nice but I feel rushed. Thank you for write.
7/24/2022 c52 5Idebadwolff
what a gorgeous well written story. thank you for sharing.
7/22/2022 c44 Jamie Mansfield
you really delivered! it was worth 44 chapters of build up!
7/22/2022 c44 Jamie Mansfield
this is perfect! sooo perfect!
7/21/2022 c34 Jamie Mansfield
Oooohhh we're getting to the good parts!
7/20/2022 c33 Jamie Mansfield
this has got me hooked! I've been reading nonstop! finally so it begins!
6/24/2022 c8 deuces789
oml I am not looking forward to snape finding out about project SNORT. I hate confrontationbut just so u know this is beautifully put together so far
6/24/2022 c6 deuces789
6/19/2022 c1 6skyeryder01
LOVED this! Still one of my favorites to read.
6/15/2022 c52 3d1x1lady
One of the greatest of all time. I adore this story.
6/12/2022 c34 1sailingbyanashbreeze
I'm just going to take a break long enough to say I thoroughly enjoyed the ending to the chapter.
6/7/2022 c52 Ashley Booth
this was a beautiful story. I have been so wrapped up it was just plain amazing
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