Just In
for Fire Princess, Water Prince

3/30/2013 c1 Glorelwen
This is a fascinating start! I would love to read more!
God Bless
7/8/2009 c2 Pointy-eared genius
I understand. You must be busy! But please write more anyway, I am incurably curios and dying to know what happens!1
7/28/2008 c2 jules14
*sigh*: Please, not another Mary Sue and Gary Stu stealing the show in Middle-earth because of some ridiculous prophecy.

Also, authors' notes as whole chapters are not allowed.
7/2/2007 c1 Dark Morwen 863
Tis an interesting prophecy! Will it be fullfilled though? Write more and let us find out. XD
3/5/2005 c1 DryBonesxValley
Good, if the whole story isn't like that.

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