Just In
for The Day The Smile Slipped

7/30/2005 c6 1naruto-fanfic
great ending

i was kinda sad that hinata died T.T but hereing that she took down 32 befor she went down it makes me proud to be a hina fan.

ya know you could of put that epoluge in the begining and made it like a story telling and it still would of had a great impact on the reader it could of worked eather way
7/25/2005 c5 MysteryLady-Tx
that was a GREAT chapter and I'm surprised that he went of on them the way he did they have I don't know if less to complain about it right...but there you go...THANKS:D
7/25/2005 c4 MysteryLady-Tx know 5 down 6 more to go...YIKES...oh man I hope they get to the others before they find Naruto...
7/25/2005 c3 MysteryLady-Tx
I just hope he doesn't blow w/Hinata also...though she's usually always just in the background
7/25/2005 c2 MysteryLady-Tx
LOL...that was GREAT oh man I loved that bit w/Kakashi...hehehe...THANKS:D
7/25/2005 c1 MysteryLady-Tx
oh man why do they bother..I mean they should just have left him alone to cool off and then no porb everything would have been fine...oh well, great BEGINNING:D`
7/23/2005 c5 3Raziel Tepes
wow, impressive ! I can't wait to read the next chapter ! update soon !
7/18/2005 c5 3Dragon Noir
oh yeah ^^ shika and co got it good

and hinata seems to have been spoted each time, proof that our orange-clad blond is much more perceptive than anyone give him credit for

well, wonder who will get it next, maybe the senseis, with their students so shaken (and ino being SO annoying) although it could be good to have a little insight of the genins when shika chouji and shino get back and tell them what happened, for my idea about Tsunade and Jiraiya, maybe just one of them showing briefly to naruto with just a few words "let it all go this time, next time come to me to talk about it before you blow up" and the other showing to the assembled genin and giving them a little piece of his/her mind "well you know he only spoke what he was honestly thinking, besides you kinda deserved it"

well for sakura and sasuke, i asked for them being hit again as a kind of appetizer before they get MAWLED by naruto *grins even more maniacly than anko and ibiki together*
7/11/2005 c5 5Kyuluna
Amazing story and everyone of them had it coming I must say I hope Sakura and Sasuke get another rip through because out of all of them they are definately the ones that need it the most. It would be interesting if Hinata tried to stop the next group that has a go at them whether it be through traps or outright confronting them for Naruto before Naruto decides to step in. Anyway those are just some thoughts and I'm sure that whatever you have planned will be amazing and as in character as you have had the rest of the story can't wait to what you come up with next.
7/9/2005 c5 1EviL Duckie XD
Go Naruto. Every one of them deserve it.
7/7/2005 c5 Aeternus Immortalus
Can't wait for the next chapter, Hope it comes soon.
7/5/2005 c5 supercrazyinsanemonkeyman
this is a very good fic, so please update!
7/5/2005 c5 Liedral
wow... Naruto is so angry. but i honestly think you should spare Hinata, and i'm not saying that because i'm a Narut/Hinata fan but because she may have not spoken to him much but when she did it was always in the best of manners and for his benefit, as shown in the Chuunshin exam's pretrials where she gave him the medicine or when she offered to let him copy in Ibiki's test. Nor has she ever insulted him or muttered anything. honestly.. the only person Naruto really shouldn't rant on about is Hinata... ah your story, and i'll just be satisfied when you update it :D
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