Just In
for To Old Times

6/16/2018 c1 December Jeffries1
It was cute and totally what you expect when the three Stooges get together without their woman around. Finn was hilarious as usual.
3/4/2013 c1 Julie Sue
cute cute cute!
2/20/2010 c1 5GeorgenLunaWeasley
This is the worst piece of crap I have ever read. Did you ever actually watch this show or did you just draw the name out of a hat and write this story on a challenge?
6/6/2006 c1 melako17
love rory and logan. u should update more. keep this chapter with rory and logan, and colin and steph and finn with someone. but love rory and logan.
9/14/2005 c1 1princetongirl
loved it update soon
3/28/2005 c1 5gilmoreaddict
i thought it was really cute
3/28/2005 c1 146absurdvampmuse

This was an enjoyable story to read because of how it revolved simply around the trio. The dialogue was very in character and I liked it.

Bye, smile :-)
3/28/2005 c1 brittni
one word: excellent!

i loved it!
3/27/2005 c1 13beautymarked
iT was cute, I thought it would have more juice, meat- whatever the kids call it these days (seeing as how I'm a teenager i really wouldn't know). but I liked it none the less!
3/27/2005 c1 42Problem Child1
I obviously saw your last story before this one, but another good one. Love the dynamic.
3/27/2005 c1 4EternalEcho
Aww, that was cute and funny. Still don't completely understand it, but oh well. It made me laugh, and that's always a good thing. Sorry I didn't review right away, but you know that I'm your number one fan! lol. Alright well, I really really need to go write a chapter of my story now! So, goodbye.

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