Just In
for Of Power and Change

5/3/2021 c21 ImmaABitch
If u ever read ur reviews then i should let u know that i hate authors like u.
I mean u guys start such amazing stories and then dont even complete it, i mean what the absolute hell!?
8/4/2019 c21 lschierer
hopefully you return and finish this one day
4/23/2018 c21 TimeDingo
this story is great I wish you would continue it
11/8/2016 c21 4BROMBROS
Okay now you must update soon, since you have had plenty of time to write and edit chapters.
11/8/2016 c20 BROMBROS
Blood from Harry's right arm.
11/6/2016 c5 BROMBROS
Some spelling mistakes.
6/9/2016 c21 lokyyt
more please keep typing and please reply
4/19/2013 c21 36Potterformers
Good so far but don't ruin it.
6/30/2011 c20 becca
was the bit in the profit about the anti-healers who drank the tranfigured ashes of harry's arm, which i presume still had traces of the venom from second year in his bloodstream? i am enjoying reading the story anyway, but occasionally there is a bit of a typo in grammer or spelling.
1/28/2011 c21
are you going to add more chapters soon since its been 4yrs since you updated...i really like this story.
10/29/2010 c1 24DukeBrymin
Intriguing beginning.
11/7/2009 c21 Ironc

Ein wunderbares Fanfiction.

Schreibe bitte weiter.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen (mfg)

dein absolut begeisterter Iron

PS: read with help from: h t t p : / / t r a n s l a t e. g o o g l e. c o m

9/26/2009 c21 Guest
Come On man... HURRY UP!
9/24/2009 c21 Guest
hurry up man!
6/14/2009 c21 12joemjackson
Quite good.

Found this thru your reviews of mine.

It's got a good story...Think you might pick it up at some point?
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