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for Harry Potter and the Curse of the Bad FanFiction

5/5/2013 c1 EternallyPivots
I couldn't find what you "do to flamers" on your profile page. I must admit I am now immensely curious. What DO you do?

Would you like a sample flame so you can demonstrate?
5/5/2013 c1 EternallyPivots
The beginning angst wasn't so bad. Why do you have anything against Harry grieving Sirius's death? That was actually in the Harry Potter books; are you saying Rowling needs to make her hero less angsty? Or do you just not like the repetition, since Harry mourns enough in the books that he doesn't have to in the fanfics?
4/26/2012 c1 1NerdOverload
I disagree with this. Although some people do not understand how the write properly, it doesn't seem like you understand the point of FF. It is so people can express their own idea's and creativity. If I want to write a story about Harry Potter killing himself, I will. It's all about inspiration.
3/30/2006 c1 1EmeraldShadows
I really hate it when people do that! An admirable mockery of angst that isn't too over the edge!
10/14/2005 c1 8macaday me a nut
he he he. yeh I hate that type of stuff too. it kind of sucks although i have learnt to put up with it. Although I dont normally end up finishing the fic if its really really and I mean REALLY BAD. Some fic's are totally random though and they are really funny! Most are really plotless. Its amazing what you can do with somebody else's characters. cant wait for the rest. LOL!

Macaday me anut (and your one too!)
9/30/2005 c1 3WaffleOfMusic
OY, I hate those fics! And also the ones where Harry cuts, and Dumbledore (nevermind the fact that he can read minds, pshaw, we'll just have him be clueless instead of following the books) has to drag him through quitting. And trashy Snape-rescues-Harry fics!

'K, I'm done. Very good. *claps* The best, (also, though, the first, so...yeah) mocking of ANGST!Harry I've seen.
9/18/2005 c1 8bellatrixvssirius
interesting. i luv it though.

u hav me intrigued. Hurry up and review
8/31/2005 c1 2Graveyard Huntress
I thank you for reading my Random Sugar hype story..Okay..And Just so you can feel all tingly and warm by abuseing a flame..Here is a really crappy flame even thought this revew isn't a flame.

OMG..YOu lyk so suk..this is the crppyst fictons lyke suks..

Oh..Okay I can not belive I wrote liket hat..That was really hard for me.
8/21/2005 c1 random person you dont know
I actually read through every freakin' word on your profile page. No, i don't have a life. And I like this story, so please continue. And just so you can make fun of me, I'll give you a fake flame to make fun of:

OMG! U R, like, a sucky riter! u shood, like, stop now! OMG! How rude! And ur spelling and grammar is, like, awful! U shood try 2 spel mor lik mee, cuz I is a good, like, grammar person! OMG, u, like, totally suk!

(just so you know, I don't actually belive a word I just typed. Did I actually type OMG, like, and totally? I hope you're happy.)
8/9/2005 c1 rgluvr13
hahaha! thx 4 reviewing me im a 1st timer *blushes* I got a flame kinda about me offending ppl about writing stupid stuff and like omg thats the whole effing point! lol of writing a parody like this I mean. Very funny, and I await more. ~mione~
7/13/2005 c1 3Splunge
hTat was the usckest, grosest, most 1d10tic ting ive eva red. U SUK! Ur a Hari h8ting bum hoo... nope, sorry, I just can't do it anymore. Wow, I never realised writing a good flame was so hard. Anyways, you've got a nice selection of humour fics here, and you're right, some fics seem to use other fics as canon more than the actual book, whch means angst just get's angstier (woohoo, I think I just made up a word). Anyways, just thought I'd check out your work as a thanks for reading my first chapter. It made my day to see your review pop-up (not that I was fanatically refreshing the stats page or anything). I'll probably get started on the second chapter when I've finished reading HBP, or possibly after the second read-through (depends on how good it is), so keep looking for it :) .
4/12/2005 c1 snickers
LOL! I agree totally! What about one where the gryffindors (apologies i can't remember how to spell) and the slytherins go on a field trip to the muggle world together, and they all hook up? those ones make me cringe!
4/12/2005 c1 JOJO
4/12/2005 c1 whatever
1. it wasnt funny

2. thousands of "mockery of bad fanfiction" have been written, therefore to write one is cliche and bad fanfiction itself

3. you obviously dont understand 1 or 2 so you are a serious moron
4/12/2005 c1 22Aurora Enkeli Medeis
I write and read angst fiction a lot but I certainly found this amusing ...then again I'm not often offended by much. I definitely agree with what you said about Harry not killing himself. I have written it before but it was after he'd killed Voldemort.

I loved your author note "Don't worry, Harry'll be okay. I'm sure Snape will miraculously show up and do some spells to heal Harry's wrist, and give him a couple of blood-replenishing potions he just happens to have on him" - that happens in so many fics. My friend and I call it 'The Snape Saves The Day Scenario'.

Anyway I'll definitely read further chapters. I noticed you plan on putting in slash, I see from your bio that you don't like it, either way I don't mind- I'll still read it lol. Take care sweetheart,

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