Just In
for The Laws of Love

1/21/2022 c20 Granny Wolf
this is a wonderful story with an interesting plot, now it has been a few years since you posted but you did say that an epilogue would be coming, and you haven't told us about Fred. I can only hope that your muse will move you to finish. thanks for sharing
11/2/2021 c20 Nds
Thanks for write
Só funny story
11/2/2021 c20 Guest
Amei essa história a simplicidade, calma e cada momento divertido trouxeram ótimos sentimentos .
11/2/2021 c6 Guest
Charlie and Rachel sooooo cute
11/2/2021 c2 Guest
Oh caramba eu não espera uma história com Charlie tão envolvido, mas realmente estou gostando dele aqui e da história "secundária".
12/8/2020 c1 NA
I'm all good with this. You may have killed Molly, Arthur, Bill, Ginny and Percy but, at least you saved Fred.
11/28/2015 c20 BeckaR
awesome really can't wait for more please
10/21/2015 c20 MoonKitten02
please oh please do the epilogue. I loved this story!
10/23/2014 c20 Michelle
Please tell me if there is one more chapter to come where snape tells hermione he loves her
1/12/2014 c20 Rufina
So much love 3
Really good story :)
8/3/2013 c1 3danceislife13
Really good but the first part shocked me because of all the horrible things that happened to the Golden Trio during the War.
11/28/2012 c20 8DarkMoon2222
Ahhhhh Please add more soon! Very good!
9/22/2012 c19 14ueyesonly
Hi, is there a Chance, that you update this Story?

7/14/2012 c4 Guest
Snape's insecurities in this chapter just made my heart melt.
It's so, unexpectedly but in-character-ly, kind of him to insist on her taking a courage potion. I loved it.

I also love the idea of Harry and Melanie; I think they'll be great together.
3/3/2012 c20 baobei
love, love, love this story... it's been ages of course, and who knows if you even continue to get these reviews? if you ever came back to finish Fred's part and follow up on the others, i'd love to read it :O)
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