Just In
for Thinking

3/20/2008 c2 2gideons-inamorata
I have problems with length too, so don't stress. And I'm glad she realizes that there is a difference in House's behavior, even if it isn't exactly the one she had hoped for. Keep it up!

3/20/2008 c1 gideons-inamorata
Wow. I'm loving your characterization of House so far. And it seems like a Cameron thing to do to blame herself for everything (and a House thing to do to blame her as well).

4/23/2005 c1 6Mollisk
*sniff* That was well written and in chacter for both Cameron and House. I'm looking forward to you continueing.
4/22/2005 c1 Claire
I really liked it. You covered what happened after she left really well. I like that you mention that he had been hurt in the past. I totally agree!
4/19/2005 c1 Aelphaba
Awesome beginning. I liked how it was good even tho it didn't have any dialouge. OUtside of the box. UPDATE please!
4/16/2005 c1 3gentlepeace
I love it! Please, write more!
4/16/2005 c1 13The Spooky Mulder
Good! House rocks! I crack up every episode! This is a good story. I got the feeling that he would have kissed her, too.


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