Just In
for Babe with the Power

2/19/2014 c1 LadyAnnabellaIronBlood
A cliffhanger? I hope you add to itsome day it sounds great so far
2/27/2013 c1 The Amendable Snow Freak
Aww... Is the first boy dead? Or just grown up now? Post soon! This is great!
11/25/2010 c1 35Nightshade's sydneylover150
I hope you continue this story one day, it looks like it has a lot of promise. Plus will Snape find his son?
6/22/2008 c1 2kitteh lova
I like this story so far. I looks cute. Update soon pleasee.
6/13/2007 c1 9Celtic-Dragon-89
r u going to continue this story?
3/9/2007 c1 4luvbooks
wow this story is really good. Please please write some more soon as i want to know what happens next.
1/26/2006 c1 1SlytherinCreep
That was really good! Labyrinth and Harry Potter mixed, very original! This was interesting fr me to read, because Labyrinth is my favorite movie and Harry Potter is my favorite series. Update please!
11/12/2005 c1 1ak and joe
I love the idea of a HP Labrinth xover can you write more?
8/15/2005 c1 diamond004
OMG! THis is great! Please update SOON!

7/31/2005 c1 unseen Watcher
HAH! I'd like to see Voldie (or even Dumbledore) try to manipulate Severus in THIS particular universe. Daddy would Not be happy! *cackles insanely* Anyway, I hope Harry (or whatever his name ends up being) is rescued Before he goes to school *hopeful look* Well, I like the premise of this fic. That is one family you do Not want to mess with! *grin* Please continue, and ignore any depressing details found a certain recently published book. ~_^
7/1/2005 c1 1zafaran
This is an intriguing combination of universes for a cross-over, and you've got a very intriguing start. Please keep up the good work; I can't wait to find out what happens next. Zafaran

zafaran at fastmail. fm
6/15/2005 c1 Andy
Ok thats cool. I wouldn't mind ownin the two either. Great story keep it going
5/4/2005 c1 fragonknight01
I think you have a concept here that could be developed.

You need to work on cleaning up oodles of errors though...

You might also want to work on transitioning from one idea to the next. Going from Sev straight to Harry without any clue as to why was a bit offputting.

Overall, I'd like to read more.

Arwen Rayne
5/3/2005 c1 websurffer
OOH! I just love Jareth! I can't wait for the next chapter
5/1/2005 c1 6Kateri1
Interesting begining
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