Just In
for Just One Night

11/11/2008 c20 5Saphire-Darkness
I'm sorry great authoress, but I will NOT take a survey, surveys are my enemy, but I loved it, Hiei rocks!your friends must be pretty funny, your very lucky, none of my friends like anime as much as me, they think it's stupid, i'm willing to read the sequal!
12/9/2007 c20 A-Food
Hehe... I like it..!

Really funny..! I like the 'La Cucaracha' part..!


Bokineta nº6 RoTw ... Was Here..!
9/24/2007 c1 FireXIceXLove
Geez.I'm not just talkin bout your story,I'm referring to others too,hope you dont think I'm flamin!Heh*Sweat drop* It gets kinda annoying when peopleput themselfs in yu yu stories,and made up characters.Especialy when it says' This duh duh duh has a mysterious past with Hiei.' God,like almost every story I've read,it says that!And when they make Hiei fall in love with them or there own character.Its not always 'Love at first sight'.I am not tryin to be rude!Forgive me if this seems insulting!
7/8/2007 c20 395477
For your survey thingy

1. Hiei and Kurama

2. The part with jello

3. the sit necklace

4. truth and dare

5. I don’t see anything u need to improve on.

6. nope

7. none except great story.
10/10/2006 c19 KaboomingKitsune-LookWhoBlewUpTheToilet
Dun dun dun...
7/12/2006 c17 2Hopeless Wonder
ke. it was such a good fic! keep em comin!
5/9/2006 c4 KaboomingKitsune-LookWhoBlewUpTheToilet
ha ha this is so weird i have two friends and were writing a story lol this so reminds me of it ^^
4/30/2006 c20 4SilverRaindropsFall
Here's that survey thingy! ^w^

End of Story Survey

1. What was your favorite chapter? Favorite chapter? Geeze! You think I could choose? Well, if I must, I would say the Jell-O chapter was at the very top. I laughed extremely hard, making my sister curious as to why. So, I had to read it to her! :P She loved that part as well.

2. What was your favorite part in the entire story? Favorite part in the entire story... Jell-O

3. Second favorite? When the Destinies start telling Hiei to SIT! haha

4. Third favorite? The whole truth-or-dare game.

5. What could I improve on? Just a wee bit more romance would make me happy, but seeing as it makes you woozy to write those things I won't demand it.

6. Do you have any ideas for the sequel? Nope! Cause you already have it up, lol!

7. Additional comments? This is one of the best stories I've ever read! I think you did pretty darn well on all the fighting scenes! If you think yours suck, you should read mine... now those are pretty pathetic -.-' Well, I'll start reading the sequel tomorrow some time... Ja ne!

4/24/2006 c9 SilverRaindropsFall
Priceless... absolutely priceless (for last three chapters I've read) And nice evil person ^vv^ muhahaha... Well, I'll read more later, Mom wants the comp V.V sigh

4/23/2006 c5 SilverRaindropsFall
I love Jell-O! m byes!

Silver~ ^^
4/23/2006 c4 SilverRaindropsFall
so Kurama and Nissi, eh? Cool beans! I loved the sweet snow part, that sounds like something my brother would do! Take it and say he already ate it all, and then I would probably "cry" too and eventually get something even if I didn't get the icecream... forward! MARCH! (to the next chapter that is ^^')

4/23/2006 c3 SilverRaindropsFall
Total sweetness!

4/23/2006 c1 SilverRaindropsFall
o I love it! Absolutely smashing! I'm on to the next one. PLUNGE! Oh and btw, whomever of you likes Hiei, I so totally agree with you! He is one hot booger. lol and Kurama's not too bad either...


ps and Yusuke is cool at times
2/21/2006 c20 11Psyco Anime Luver
1/21/2006 c20 1Pai-Chan Funnyfilly
though i don't like seeing Kurama with another girl, i absolutely loved the story! it was great!
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