Just In
for The Heir of Voldemort

1/25/2013 c8 Guest
Please update,
1/28/2012 c7 Mari Wollsch
pleas finnish story xx
1/28/2012 c8 Mari Wollsch
when comes the next chapter? xx i love the story xx
12/7/2011 c8 5Hayden Avery
please finish the story, it was so good!
7/2/2011 c8 books of fantisy15
Awesome ik it been a long time for an ud but u should start
11/13/2010 c1 1Karisia
You can't teach the killing curse to a seven year old, at least not like that. Tom didn't even explain it properly to her. What is even the point of teaching her the curse when she is so young. She doesn't have her own wand and i doubt that she will need to kill someone even if she had it.
12/29/2009 c8 springawakening1894
Wow what a cliffhanger! and you've left us hanging for two years. Please come back to this fic! It's really good. I loved "My Love" and I'm loving this.
11/30/2009 c8 neverendingdreams-127
i can't wait for more!~

update soon please
8/30/2008 c1 12TemperedRose
hey, i read your profile and it said you're 5" foot tall, well i'm 4"11. my friend ones told me than in his country the legal height of a midget was 4"8 then i told him that i'm an ilegal midget! nice story by the way, i also read the prequel!
8/17/2008 c8 7Bewitched Nightwalker
oh! cant wait for more!plz plz plz hurry and update!

8/13/2008 c8 GoodbyeLove15
ok you need to update like now please im a new reader please

*~Maureen Johnson 15~*
3/21/2008 c8 5NutMegg
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

7/16/2007 c8 Trippy Hippie
Please update!
6/1/2007 c7 SLytherinPrincess1
Hey, both of the stories were great! The only thing is, it was a little bit rushed. Please update!
7/24/2006 c7 8Zarroc
good chap,

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