Just In
for Return of the Lost

10/19/2006 c14 3monkey kix ass
OMG! I love your story! I can't wait until the new story is posted up. I think that Return of the Lost would be a good name for the series, and then give a name to each story to suit it. Like this story could be named Birth of the Sun, or something along those lines. I don't know, just an idea. Anyways, please update really, really soon!
10/19/2006 c14 17Era-chan
Wonderful ending for the third part of the story. I am curious about the bonding ritual, so if you could add that in the flashbacks or something in the next part it would be appreciated. I also would like to know if Berra and her clan will have future appearances in the final part. And if you are going to add more obstacles to Sasuke's and Sakura's relationship as part of its development.

One of my favorite part of the chapter is the statement about the Hyuuga Hiashi battle (at the last paragraph). Will you write more reactions, particularly from the Rookie 9/Team Gai, about the event? I feel sure that you will write more about the Hyuuga situation, so I'm not worried about that. Lastly, I hope to read more of the Kyuubi clan, maybe have some cameo appearances of one or two kits to add some serious/humor on a particular chapter/scene.

Anyway, can't wait to read the beginning of the final part. (And future chapters of RotF, whenever you get to it.)
10/19/2006 c14 vedmid
good chapter, i enjoyed the council room scene as well as the level of subtlety Mikuhasi was using. Attacking the populations faith in their leader as a first large scale move was a nice move.
10/19/2006 c14 1Lahmikhara
Great update and I"m looking forward to the 4th book ^^ as for the titles I"m afraid I can't help ya with that I've been plotting for months on a story of my own and still don't have a title for it :P good luck mate ^_^
10/19/2006 c14 1DragonSword35d
robly a bad idea, but you could always call the series the"Returning" seeing as that would be the recurring theme for these things. Someone always comes back. Generally Naruto after he is seemingly bumped off. Just a thought. Greet stuff, though. I have on the edge of my seat waiting for updates. You say you are readying the final part. Like always with your stories, this is going to fun.
10/19/2006 c14 Shadow-Sensei
Ohayo Manatheron-Sama *has arrived out of no where again* Yo! ^_^ ne ne i like this chapter ya know cuz Hinata wasent as shy as she usually is and they kissed infront of so many people *grins* anyway i dont know any names that you could use for the series but if i come up with something and you havent chosen one yet then il send ya a message or sumthing ya know oh and before i forget here *throws a Icha Icha Paradise into your hands* i got two Copies from Jiraiya-Sama last time anyway i gtg now have a small zombie problem at the moment Ja Ne *vanishes by burning up by a white flame*
10/18/2006 c14 3DarkRonin101
Great update and glad to learn that it will soon come to an end, but at the same time saddened for its an amusing story.

As for a name, work out the first chapter first efore thinking of a name. I normally have problems till I have finished a piece of work, but if you look over what you were working on, you can easily find a name that is suitible for the work.
10/18/2006 c14 TimeShifter
Hooray; an update! I enjoyed this chapter, and everything that happened in it. I'm looking forward to the final book, and seeing just how Naruto handles all these foes. I'm looking forward to what you've got next!
10/18/2006 c14 11Tobmaster
Another great chapter in the books... Keep it up... some slight errors in spelling and so forth, but nothing that inhibits reading.
10/18/2006 c14 9Dragon Man 180
Very nice chapter, I especially like how Naruto and Hinata's entrance calmed down the crowd. Now what do Orochimaru and Akatsuki have planned and how can Naruto throw a monkey wrench into their plans? I love how Hinata called dibs on Naruto, very nice!
10/18/2006 c14 Danny-171984
Pretty good. I guess this was the end of your third book. I had to say that I like this 'ending'. I'm glad that they are getting marry and all. What worries me is Akatsuki and Orochimaru joining forces right now. i wonder what will happen next.

Well, I'm glad that you updated. You certainly took your time, but it all work at the end. And as suggestion for your next book, for a new title. I think 'Return of the Lost 4" still is a great title. Don't change it. Anyways, I have to go. I'm late for class...Until next time. Keep on writing.

10/18/2006 c14 2Skelethin
Not exactly how I expected things to work, but it does. I expected the Hokage to get farther in her speech before stuff happened, but oh well. No ideas for names, sorry. I suck at naming myself, and I don't even know if I will be able to come up with a good name for the fic I want to write. Oh well, see you next 'book' then? till next time then.

10/18/2006 c14 4zenith020388
Finally! Yay for new ROTL! Good, strong finish, there are a few small tender areas, but nothing that really takes anything away from the story. Good show, old bean!

Now, as for new names... Ah! I know!

#1= Return of the lost

#2= Resurrection of the heart

#3= Reclaimation of the soul

#4= Resolution of the (blank)
10/18/2006 c14 DaftTechno
Return of the Lost 1 - Slipping/Breaking of the Mask

Return of the Lost 2 - Death and Rebirth

Return of the Lost 3 - Claiming the Birthright

Awesome story, been following it for a long time now. I enjoy your works and eagarly await more.
10/18/2006 c14 pyrobabe7713
WOOHOO! i luved this chapter, thank you for finaly updating!
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