Just In
for All Year Round

6/29/2005 c12 7leatharegee
Very nice! Short, but good. I can't wait to find out what Grace has decided! And Jack and Will's talk should be interesting too. Hurry pu and keep going! :D
6/29/2005 c12 GracieAdler
I'm still love love love love love love loving it! The thing about the cameras that's funny stuff. lol. I know what u mean with the Lindsay Lohan thing i have to agree and yeah it is fun to let your bitchiness shine through Jack. It sayd next chappy Jack is gonna freak out they arent going to break up are they they so cant i'd be so mad but i'm sure they wont right? hahaha im so funny im not and yes i di enjoy my tea and now im hyper off dorietos and cherry coke. I love this still but i already said that right? well anyway please update soon.
6/24/2005 c11 GraceAdler
I love love love love love love love love love love this story! Sorry i just ate a bunch of ice cream and im im drinking tea so im sorry if this doesnt make too much sense i just wanted to say how much i love this story and that line about Lindsay Lohan was genus (sp) you so have the characters down! Updat updat update! (please lol) good job again!
6/24/2005 c11 leatharegee
fantastic! can't wait for more!
6/17/2005 c10 leatharegee
Can't wait for more! I really liked the song you used - In My great, and so slashy. Yay!
6/12/2005 c9 leatharegee
Oh that was such a great ending to that chapter! I can't wait for the next one! Hurry up! :D
6/11/2005 c9 6One-Eyed-Wannabe
Yay! Will and Jack have finally hooked up. Cant wait for the next chapter. Update soon
6/10/2005 c8 7leatharegee
AMAZING! I love all the will/jack bits - and I can't wait to see them acting like a married couple at Elliots school! Hurry up and keep going! :D
6/8/2005 c8 GracieAdler
OMG! Awesome story youre doing a great job of remain true to the characters while switching it up a little bit to make it your own. Please update! Update! Update!
6/8/2005 c8 2YinsYang
Ha! I love it! Write more, please, I'm dying to know how the next chapter is going to go.
5/29/2005 c7 balloon
please continue! I want to know what happens with Grace and leo! :)
5/27/2005 c6 Panda
Great story...I had a perpetual smile on my face while reading your chapters, not to mention you remained faithful to the series. Keep up the great work. Really looking forward to reading the next chapter!
5/27/2005 c6 baloon
fatastic! it's just getting even better! :)

please continue!
5/25/2005 c5 baloon
This story is Brilliant! :) You write very well, I can totally imagine Will, Grace, Jack and Karen saying all these stuff! please continue as soon as possible! you are doing a wonderful job :)
5/15/2005 c3 21Sango-Kadie
Anyone who doesn't like this is crazy and needs to have their heads examined. I love it! The setting is perfect and it's so cute, Will and Jack holding hands! Aww!
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