Just In
for Anarkia

6/28/2020 c8 5therhoda
So I found this story s I went through someone else’s favorite thread. I enjoyed the distinct story flow and tone.

I hope that your muse for it comes back someday
6/11/2020 c8 Mark Sinfield
shame you have updated is a good read
6/11/2020 c8 5mcb1
Great story! Any chance for an update? It has been a few years but hopefully. I would love to read more.
5/29/2020 c8 Fyrebird85
Just found this story and it's absolutely fabulous. Hope you're inspired to add to it at some point.
2/25/2020 c8 inka2222
Great story - if you have time and opportunity, a continuation would be tremendously welcome! Interesting plot, good writing!
11/9/2019 c8 pinks99
I don't know if you are still reading reviews, but I have really enjoyed your story and am glad you added a few chapters these past few years. Your English has really improved over the course of the 8 chapters!
11/7/2019 c8 Guest
This is one of my favorite AUs and I’ve been on this site a lot.
10/22/2019 c8 DenRestauro
I fell in love with this story. But no updates, break my heart why dont you...
10/18/2019 c8 Guest
9/20/2019 c6 Pennieyoung
Love this story, please update it soon :)
9/8/2019 c8 1cerezo.dulce11
Ojala algún dia continúes la historia
8/15/2019 c8 Miku05
Brilliant. I dearly hope that you will keep developing this tale, however unlikely it may seem.
8/1/2019 c8 rowenasheir
2019? Are you going to carry on this story. Great read till here!
7/24/2019 c1 Guest
You must have finished with medical school and done a residency as well by now. Hopefully you are free from the studying grind.

So please if you can find time, try and continue this story
7/7/2019 c2 DieZiege
Harry is just a puppet, pretty boring. Bye
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