Just In
for The Mind is a Strange Thing

8/31/2005 c4 HarryandGinnyFan
great story. update soon plz.
7/11/2005 c4 2xXx r a i z a xXx
oh at last ron and hermione 2geder! i agree too dat d 2 will end up 2geder before harry and ginny! anywayz update :)
7/11/2005 c3 xXx r a i z a xXx
this is a very nice fic coz its written very similar 2 d books
7/11/2005 c2 xXx r a i z a xXx
i just love remus and tonks together! btw knight bus :D:D:D:D:D:D
7/11/2005 c1 xXx r a i z a xXx
a very nice beginning
6/12/2005 c3 33ColorOfAngels
sorry it took me so ong to get around to reading your story...its really cute, i like it a lot and i cant wait to see where it goes so update soon!
6/6/2005 c3 Joo Hwee
MORE Harry/Ginny PLEASE please please please please please please please
6/5/2005 c3 4MsMissProngs
Great story so far! Go on!

6/2/2005 c2 FSUgurlforlife
nice poem! lol! j/p. newayz i love ur story! do keep writting! :)
5/29/2005 c2 lucygirl07
I like it. I can't wait to see what coming. I would love to see Harry be funny around Ginny for once.

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