3/16/2006 c4
I am interested in seeing where you are taking this. I will wait to see what happens next even though some things are confusing, but then again it's AU so that's to be expected. You seem to have made up an interesting place here.

I am interested in seeing where you are taking this. I will wait to see what happens next even though some things are confusing, but then again it's AU so that's to be expected. You seem to have made up an interesting place here.
1/2/2006 c3 Djiril
Ok, there is one thing that has been bugging me from chapter 2. I don't think the use of "affronted" is appropriate for that situation. The dictionary meaning of "affront" is to insult intentionally, and when someone is described as "affronted," when they have not been intentionally insulted, it brings up images of snobby nobility, which does not decribe Talia's personality.
Ok, there is one thing that has been bugging me from chapter 2. I don't think the use of "affronted" is appropriate for that situation. The dictionary meaning of "affront" is to insult intentionally, and when someone is described as "affronted," when they have not been intentionally insulted, it brings up images of snobby nobility, which does not decribe Talia's personality.
8/10/2005 c3
50Master Solo
I don't quite get what's going on. Is Lira Elspeth's baby sister? If she is, I think the name's misspelled.

I don't quite get what's going on. Is Lira Elspeth's baby sister? If she is, I think the name's misspelled.
7/7/2005 c3 lorelei
oh, please, please update soon! I am really intrigued by this story, and I can't wait to find out what happens. The one suggestion I would give is to translate whatever it is that your characters are saying in that other language, because believe it or not I don't think it's one that many people speak. Other than that, great start. I think you're doing a really good job of not letting your OC be a MarySue.
oh, please, please update soon! I am really intrigued by this story, and I can't wait to find out what happens. The one suggestion I would give is to translate whatever it is that your characters are saying in that other language, because believe it or not I don't think it's one that many people speak. Other than that, great start. I think you're doing a really good job of not letting your OC be a MarySue.
6/11/2005 c2
5Violet Spark
Oh, I get it now. I was confused because I thought your Kris and Lira were actually Selenay's kids Kris and Lyra (only misspelled) and kept wondering what in hell you were talking about... but now I gotcha. Really like it, can't wait for the next chappie, and thank you for reviewing my stories!

Oh, I get it now. I was confused because I thought your Kris and Lira were actually Selenay's kids Kris and Lyra (only misspelled) and kept wondering what in hell you were talking about... but now I gotcha. Really like it, can't wait for the next chappie, and thank you for reviewing my stories!
6/5/2005 c1 lorellei
I think this sounds like a fantastic story! So far it's well written, and it certainly leaves me excited for the next chapter to find out what happened to Kris! (It is Kris, isn't it?) So, of course, write more quickly!
I think this sounds like a fantastic story! So far it's well written, and it certainly leaves me excited for the next chapter to find out what happened to Kris! (It is Kris, isn't it?) So, of course, write more quickly!