3/27/2006 c1 Hot for You Sacken
Good. I liked it. Write more. Please. You could really be an author.
Good. I liked it. Write more. Please. You could really be an author.
3/26/2006 c21 Nirobie
ok i like this chap (most likely because i'm one of those romantic type of people) but i can't wait for the next chap and i hope you update soon.
ok i like this chap (most likely because i'm one of those romantic type of people) but i can't wait for the next chap and i hope you update soon.
3/26/2006 c21
Aw indeed. I do love fluff. Ask anyone :D
And what do you mean, we don't know everything about ol' Bennie? What's he hiding?

Aw indeed. I do love fluff. Ask anyone :D
And what do you mean, we don't know everything about ol' Bennie? What's he hiding?
3/25/2006 c21
57Purple Eyed Cat
So does this mean that Astrid and Bennie are going to get together now? Is she done with Adam, or is this just a fling? Is she ever going to see Adam again? Where's Jack? What are Will and Elizabeth? Argh! Too many questions! Please update, I'm not sure what's going on with Bennie, and honestly, I just want to find out! Please update, I'll be waiting!

So does this mean that Astrid and Bennie are going to get together now? Is she done with Adam, or is this just a fling? Is she ever going to see Adam again? Where's Jack? What are Will and Elizabeth? Argh! Too many questions! Please update, I'm not sure what's going on with Bennie, and honestly, I just want to find out! Please update, I'll be waiting!
3/25/2006 c21
woah for a minute I was scared Bennett was gay...
But now it's all fine and stuff...
I look forward to the next chapter! UPDATE!

woah for a minute I was scared Bennett was gay...
But now it's all fine and stuff...
I look forward to the next chapter! UPDATE!
3/25/2006 c21 katweena
aw, sweetness!
but what about adam?
and whats the truth behind bennet?
next chapter PLEASE!
aw, sweetness!
but what about adam?
and whats the truth behind bennet?
next chapter PLEASE!
3/25/2006 c21 Steely Phil Gordon
Hmm... It seems that Astrid forgets about her dear Adam a lot...
Hmm... It seems that Astrid forgets about her dear Adam a lot...
3/23/2006 c20 Steely Phil Gordon
Hahaha! I like it. I just finished reading the story up until this point, and am very amused by this story. I like how Astrid doesn't seem to be a Mary Sue (although she has quite a knack to get boys to fall in love with her!), like many other fics. Keep it up! However, try to help Astrid along with her goal, of finding Jack. It seems that she isn't really getting anywhere... All in all, I like it! Update soon!
Hahaha! I like it. I just finished reading the story up until this point, and am very amused by this story. I like how Astrid doesn't seem to be a Mary Sue (although she has quite a knack to get boys to fall in love with her!), like many other fics. Keep it up! However, try to help Astrid along with her goal, of finding Jack. It seems that she isn't really getting anywhere... All in all, I like it! Update soon!
3/18/2006 c20 humblelilbookworm
one of my fav. chapters yet!
one of my fav. chapters yet!
3/12/2006 c20 katweena
OMG! Bennett thought he was gay!
ooh, is he gonna tell the whole ship that astrids a girl then? he better not, or I'll pound his ass!
figuratively, I mean.
OMG! Bennett thought he was gay!
ooh, is he gonna tell the whole ship that astrids a girl then? he better not, or I'll pound his ass!
figuratively, I mean.
3/6/2006 c19
Nice chapter! I hope Jack is coming in soon :p Can't wait for the next chapter!

Nice chapter! I hope Jack is coming in soon :p Can't wait for the next chapter!
3/5/2006 c19
Just had to say that. Cause I dunno if I have the last few times. Great chappy!
So now we have to hear all about the little adventures of the side-characters that haven't been seen for a while. God it's hard memorizing all those names. John, Adam, Roland, Dobbin, Cavanaugh, Griffith, Maria, Ian, Alexandra, Bennett/Gareth, Will, Dan, Andre, Cooke, Tim, Lester, Jack (not very hard), Carlisle, Clyde, Nattie...and I don't remember anymore at the moment, but there are lots.

Just had to say that. Cause I dunno if I have the last few times. Great chappy!
So now we have to hear all about the little adventures of the side-characters that haven't been seen for a while. God it's hard memorizing all those names. John, Adam, Roland, Dobbin, Cavanaugh, Griffith, Maria, Ian, Alexandra, Bennett/Gareth, Will, Dan, Andre, Cooke, Tim, Lester, Jack (not very hard), Carlisle, Clyde, Nattie...and I don't remember anymore at the moment, but there are lots.
3/4/2006 c19
Aw. Poor Adam. I mean, the girl has to be happy, yes. But still :(
But good job. One of the best, definitely.

Aw. Poor Adam. I mean, the girl has to be happy, yes. But still :(
But good job. One of the best, definitely.
3/3/2006 c19 katweena
oh my god, you cant say something like that and then not say what happens! *evil glares*
aww, i cant stay mad at you, you write too well ;P
hold on... is adam cheating on astrid? the filthy hypocrite!
oh my god, you cant say something like that and then not say what happens! *evil glares*
aww, i cant stay mad at you, you write too well ;P
hold on... is adam cheating on astrid? the filthy hypocrite!