Just In
for Power of the Ocean

1/10/2008 c36 Xewioso
Great chapter! And its length probably made up for the long wait.

Update soon!
9/29/2007 c1 2MidnyghtVampyrezz
Ha! I found it! I was reading this story a few years ago, back b4 i had a profile, and now i found it! Yesh!

9/24/2007 c35 4MiaHammBailey
Hey! I love your story and have read the whole series. I'm biginning to see a slight Tom/Astrid romance maybe? I really hope so. That would be so cool. I think you should write more about budding relationships, but not too much. I mean, something has to happen between them after spending time in the middle of the ocean. Anyway, great job on the story, please update soon! Good luck!

9/2/2007 c35 Charlotte
Despite people getting bored with this story- I for one have definitely NOT.

Your story is the only one I eagerly wait for chapters to be uploaded- still love it.

Though what I'm wondering is about back home at Port Royal- just how are Elizabeth and Will coping? And Adam?
8/23/2007 c35 12Dawnie7
God, there's nothing better than the prospects of a good treasure hunt. I'm quite excited now. It's been so doom and gloom as of late (not that that's a bad thing) it will be good to have some good ol' fashion fun!
8/19/2007 c35 6JainaZekk621
this is great! =D hope to read more!
8/19/2007 c35 PSYCH-aholic
That was a great chapter! I really can't wait for more, so try to update soon!



8/19/2007 c35 Xewioso
YAY! I was so excited when this chapter was finally posted!

8/19/2007 c35 9love2rite
I love this story.
6/7/2007 c30 1brightlily
i used to love this story.

but now i hate it.

astrid is so mary-sue as is everyone in the story.

everyone is gorgeous in the story.

it's so not literal.

and the chapters go on and on about nothing.

no one cares about the OC lives.

they care about jack and his daughter


6/6/2007 c1 1CaptainAnyaStarvansky
OMG! I love your work, it is fantastic! I read your other Astrid series in liek, two days! I normally never ever read any story for more then 5 minutes, but I couldn't stop!
6/3/2007 c34 3imperativa
I've just got to tell you, I read Astrid, and all 34 chapters of Power of the Ocean in two days! I couldn't stop, and now I feel the need to turn my computer off, but not until I review!

I fell in love with this story from the beginning. You've got to update soon, cause I'm pretty darn sure this is the best Pirates story I've ever read!
5/29/2007 c34 Xewioso
Wow... it took me forever to find time to read this, but it was very good. I can't wait for the next chapter.

5/27/2007 c34 12Dawnie7
M. Perhaps it's rude of me, but I find the idea of Astrid praying to be quite amusing :)

In a good way of course, but still funny. But good for her, trying to do what she can for the poor souls.
5/27/2007 c34 7Athene Saile
wow how intriguing is this! i read and loved astrid, and can't wait to see what happens next in this one!
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